Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing Characters in the Coen Brothers Miller’s Crossing and Willia
Comparing Characters in the Coen Brothers Millers Crossing and William Kennedys Legs The movie Millers Crossing and the novel Legs by William Kennedy give up two characters that flip a special quality, which adds dramatically to their characterization. The main character of Millers Crossing, Tom Reagan, and the main character from Legs Jack Diamond shares many similar traits and emblematical equivalence. In particular they had an item that they wore or carried, and this item had the ability to show what is going on inside the characters mind. Not only did the items have the ability to tell what was on their mind it also has the ability to foreshadow. At times in the novel where their mind/conscience was tested, the use of their items determined the outcome. The consistency can not live without the mind, so it is important for the characters to remain close to these items that symbolize their mind or they will surly die. Tom Reagan had a inhalation in which his hat fell off his head and the wind blew it away. He did not run after the hat in the dream. However in realism he kept the hat close to him at all costs. The dream is the opening to the movie and is explained during a conversation with Verna. During the movie he is seen with the hat and without. The contract his hat wearing follows with when engaging in sex it is off, and actually gets its own scene of being thrown on to a chair or something of that nature. For the closely part, it is also seen without his hat when somethin...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Colonies Essay -- essays research papers
The shopping center and Southern declarations were as different as night and day. Established for different economical and social reasons, these two colonial areas share very few similarities. Reasons for their migration and their last destinations greatly influenced the outcome of each society.First, the Southern Colonies were formed by aristocratic Europeans who came to the New World in expect of disembark. These wealthy people brought Europeans and African servants. In their new home, the aristocrats produced a society in which only the wealthy had power. They tried and at some times strained their servants to convert to Christianity. They were constantly battling the Native Americans and had half-size respect for them. On the other hand, unhappy New England colonists and Europeans wanting complete freedom settled the middle colonies. The settlement of these lands was mainly started by William Penn. Penn, received land for the King for debts owed to his father. It was Pen ns closing to create a society in which all people were equal. There was no slavery in the Middle Colonies, impertinent the Southern Colonies, and by law, all men could own land. Also, they respected the natives and even employed them from time to time. They remarked on how it wasnt necessary to bare weapons around these people. Although the goal of these settlements was complete religious toleration, it wasnt totally feasible. In addition, the colonies in the south ... Colonies Essay -- essays research papers The Middle and Southern settlements were as different as night and day. Established for different economical and social reasons, these two colonial areas share very few similarities. Reasons for their migration and their final destinations greatly influenced the outcome of each society.First, the Southern Colonies were formed by aristocratic Europeans who came to the New World in search of land. These wealthy people brought Europeans and African servants. In their new home, the aristocrats produced a society in which only the wealthy had power. They tried and at some times forced their servants to convert to Christianity. They were constantly battling the Native Americans and had little respect for them. On the other hand, unhappy New England colonists and Europeans wanting complete freedom settled the middle colonies. The settlement of these lands was mainly started by William Penn. Penn, received land for the King for debts owed to his father. It was Penns goal to create a society in which all people were equal. There was no slavery in the Middle Colonies, unlike the Southern Colonies, and by law, all men could own land. Also, they respected the natives and even employed them from time to time. They remarked on how it wasnt necessary to bare weapons around these people. Although the goal of these settlements was complete religious toleration, it wasnt totally feasible. In addition, the colonies in the south ...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Hertzsprung-russell Diagram :: essays research papers
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram or, the H-R Diagram for short, is a graph which plots booster cables according to their temperature and arbitrary magnitude. This graph reveals a pattern, which in fact is quite interesting. The H-R Diagram is named for the two astronomers, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Russell, who discove going this pattern of stars. These two astronomers independently discovered that comparing magnitudes and religious class (color) of stars yielded a lot of information about them. One key purpose of the H-R diagram is to show the relationship between temperature and absolute magnitude of stars. The case of temperature measurement used is Kelvin, where the zero point is equal to -273.16 C. On the H-R Diagram, the temperature of degrees Kelvin ranges from 3,000 to 30,000. The absolute magnitude of stars on the H-R Diagram ranges from +15 to -10. Absolute magnitude is how opalescent stars would appear if they were positioned at 32.6 light years away from earth. On t his scale, the lower the number, the brighter the star. Thus, a start with an absolute magnitude of -10 would be much brighter than a star with an absolute magnitude of +15. The two astronomers found many patterns after developing their graph. They found that 90% of stars graphed fell within a band that ran through the pith of the graph. These stars range from cool, dim, red stars at the lower right of the H-R Diagram to hot, bright, blue stars at the upper left wing corner of the H-R Diagram. The stars that fall into to this band are cognize as main- place stars. Stars such as the sun, and almost every start visible in the night sky fall within this band of main sequence stars. There is another group of stars which are cool and bright that appear near the upper right corner of the H-R Diagram. These stars are very large and therefrom have very big surface areas. These large surface areas give off large amounts of light and this makes the stars bright. Most of these stars are kn own as red giants. Some are so large however that they are referred to as supergiants. Red giants have a temperature of about 3,500 degrees Kelvin and an absolute magnitude of some 0. Supergiants have a temperature of around 3,000 degrees Kelvin and an absolute magnitude of about -7. Another group of stars, which are rather small, is found near the bottom left of the H-R Diagram.
The Role of Women in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay -- Things
More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebes literary works have helped to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of this essay includes 1) Achebes portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the existing sociocultural situation of the period he is depicting, and the factors in it that condition male attitudes towards women 2) the consequences of the absence of a moderating female principle in his fictions 3) Achebes progressively changing attitude towards women s roles and 4) feminist prospects for African women. In the context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will represent the rest of Nigeria -- and a great many of the nations of Africa. Sociocultural Background Were Nigeria and Africa oppressively masculinist? The answer is, Yes. Ghana was known to have some matrilineal societies, such as the Akans but Nigerias traditi onal culture, Muslim as well as non-Muslim, had been masculine-based even before the advent of the white man. The source, nature, and extent of female subordination and oppression have constituted a vexed enigma in African literary debates. Writers such as Ama Ata Aidoo of Ghana and the late Flora Nwapa of Nigeria have insisted that the image of the helpless, dependent, unproductive African woman was one ushered in by European imperialists whose women lived that way. On the other hand, the Nigerian-born, expatriate writer Buchi Emecheta, along with other critics, maintains that African women were traditionally subordinated to sexist cultural mores. I ally myself to the last mentioned camp. I believe that, in creating a masculine-based society, Ac... ...Function of Folk Tradition. Approaches To the African Novel Essays in Analysis. London Saros International, 1992.Nwapa, Flora. Efuru. London Heinemann, 1966.---. Idu. London Heinemann, 1970.Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo. Women and Nig erian Literature. Perspectives on Nigerian Literature. Vol. 1. Lagos, Nigeria protector Books, 1988. Okonkwo, Juliet. The Talented Woman in African Literature. African Quarterly 15.1-2 pages.Rich, Adrienne. Of Woman Born Motherhood as Experience and Institution. New York Norton, 1976.Thiong o, Ngugi wa. Petals of Blood. London Heinemann, 1977.---. Devil on the Cross. London Heinemann, 1982. Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens Womanist Prose. New York Harcourt Brace, 1983. 231-243.Weinstock, Donald, and Cathy Ramadan.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Apollonius Of Perga :: essays research papers fc
Apollonius of Perga Apollonius was a great mathematician, known by his contempories as " TheGreat Geometer, " whose treatise Conics is wholeness of the greatest scientific worksfrom the ancient world. Most of his other treatise were lost, although theirtitles and a general indication of their contents were passed on by laterwriters, especially Pappus of Alexandria. As a youth Apollonius studied in Alexandria ( under the pupils of Euclid,according to Pappus ) and subsequently taught at the university there. Hevisited Pergamum, capital of a Hellenistic kingdom in westbound Anatolia, where auniversity and library similar to those in Alexandria had recently been built.While at Pergamum he met Eudemus and Attaluus, and he wrote the first edition ofConics. He addressed the prefaces of the first troika books of the final editionto Eudemus and the remaining volumes to Attalus, whom some scholars identify asKing Attalus I of Pergamum . It is clear from Apollonius allusion to Euclid, Conon of Samos, andNicoteles of Cyrene that he made the fullest use of his predecessors works.Book 1-4 contain a systematic account of the essential principles of conics,which for the most part had been previously set forth by Euclid, Aristaeus andMenaechmus. A number of theorems in Book 3 and the great part of Book 4 arenew, however, and he introduced the terms parabola, eelipse, and hyperbola.Books 5-7 are clearly veritable. His genius takes its highest flight in Book 5,in which he considers normals as minimum and maximum straight lines drawn fromgiven points to the curve ( independently of tangent properties ), discusses howmany normals can be drawn from particular points, finds their feet byconstruction, and gives propositions determine the center of curvature at anypoints and leading at once to the Cartesian equation of the evolute of any conic. The first four books of the Conics survive in the original Grrek and thenext three in Arabic translation. Book 8 is lost. The only other extant workof Apollonius is Cutting Off of a Ratio ( or On Proportional Section ), in anArabic translation. Pappus mentions five additional works, Cutting off an Area( or On Spatial Section ) , On Determinate Section, Tangencies, and Plane Loci. Tangencies embraced the following general problem given three things,each of which may be a point, straight line, or circle, construct a circletangent to the three. Sometimes known as the problem of Apollonius, the mostdifficult case arises when the three given things are circles. Of the other works of Apollonius referred to by ancient writers, one, On
Apollonius Of Perga :: essays research papers fc
Apollonius of Perga Apollonius was a great mathematician, known by his contempories as " TheGreat Geometer, " whose treatise Conics is one of the greatest scientific worksfrom the ancient world. Most of his other treatise were lost, although theirtitles and a general indication of their contents were passed on by laterwriters, especially Pappus of Alexandria. As a early days Apollonius studied in Alexandria ( under the pupils of Euclid,according to Pappus ) and subsequently taught at the university there. Hevisited Pergamum, capital of a Hellenistic kingdom in western Anatolia, where auniversity and program library similar to those in Alexandria had recently been built.While at Pergamum he met Eudemus and Attaluus, and he wrote the first mutation ofConics. He addressed the prefaces of the first three books of the final editionto Eudemus and the remaining volumes to Attalus, whom some scholars identify asKing Attalus I of Pe rgamum. It is clear from Apollonius allusion to Euclid, Conon of Samos, andNicoteles of Cyrene that he made the fullest use of his predecessors works. make 1-4 contain a systematic musical score of the essential principles of conics,which for the most part had been previously set forth by Euclid, Aristaeus andMenaechmus. A number of theorems in Book 3 and the greater part of Book 4 arenew, however, and he introduced the terms parabola, eelipse, and hyperbola.Books 5-7 are clearly original. His genius takes its highest flight in Book 5,in which he considers normals as minimum and upper limit straight lines drawn fromgiven points to the curve ( independently of burn properties ), discusses howmany normals can be drawn from particular points, finds their feet byconstruction, and gives propositions determining the center of bender at anypoints and leading at once to the Cartesian equation of the evolute of any conic. The first four book s of the Conics survive in the original Grrek and thenext three in Arabic translation. Book 8 is lost. The only other extant workof Apollonius is Cutting Off of a Ratio ( or On proportional Section ), in anArabic translation. Pappus mentions five additional works, Cutting off an Area( or On Spatial Section ) , On Determinate Section, Tangencies, and prostrate Loci. Tangencies embraced the following general problem given three things,each of which may be a point, straight line, or circle, construct a circletangent to the three. Sometimes known as the problem of Apollonius, the mostdifficult case arises when the three given things are circles. Of the other works of Apollonius referred to by ancient writers, one, On
Monday, May 27, 2019
Censorship on the Community Essay
The Effect of Censorship on the Community and People in the Novel Fahrenheit(postnominal)(postnominal) 451 The Novel Fahrenheit 451 exploited security review and wholly the negative thing that can occur when a society is censored. There were many examples in this novel. In the Novel Guy Montag finds out that censorship is a big part of his community and realizes that has a negative effect and need to be abolished before it changes humans for good. If you hide your ignorance, no one forget collide with you and youll never learn.(Ray Bradbury). This quote is stating that since books are censored and mess in Montags area cannot testify, they will not gain intelligence. They are hiding their ignorance by refusing to read books. Books hold information and many things that can open someones eyes to the world to understand it. In this novel there are no books aloud, and if a citizen has a book or books, the books are burned to ashes inside the home. The community lives in fear of fi refighters.Montag is a firefighter who loves burning books, at first, besides then runs into a stranger who changes his perspective. As Ray Bradbury said we were putting one foot in front of the other(Ray Bradbury). That is exactly what the Clarisse was doing when she ran into Montag. Clarisse doesnt accept in all the censorship and act different from the rest of the future community. She doesnt believe in the books, the schools, and the television programs being censored. The television programs keep people away from the books and the schools teach students that books are bad and not needed. The schools also censored what the kids were suitable to do and the activities they participated in. Society lives in fear in the novel Fahrenheit 451. Towards the middle of the novel, the fire fighter, Montag realizes that censorship is wrong and starts collecting books on his own. He soon starts going against society and all the censorship.He starts reading the books and tries to get his wife to read them as well. Soon the fire fighters turn on him and make him burn dont his own house. This shows the censorship causes distrust, fear, injustice, and the breaking of bonds on a society. After he burns his own house, he ends up killing his boss because of how he acts and Montag realizes that his boss might actually want t die. The censorship has killed society. It causes violence, ignorance, wars, and people who live in fear or cowardly. Many civilians are violent and commit suicide also no one seems to care because it has mystify normal. No one seems to care about others and society is in a cave.In Conclusion censorship has a terrible effect on the community in Fahrenheit 451. All the extra problems and violence is unneeded. It is all caused by the deep cave that censorship brought the place into. The only way the help is by reading the books so the spread of knowledge can occur. The community is always on the brink of war with jets flying around and bomb shelters eve rywhere. The effect of censorship doesnt lead to anything good, and is always going to end up with a bad ending. The Novel Fahrenheit 451 shows a spotless example of what censorship does to a society.The school becomes a violent place and the people that are supposed to help people stop caring. Plus all the serious things are taken for nothing as it becomes a casual normal thing for people to harm themselves or commit suicide. Censorship is terrible and shouldnt be able to happen anywhere. Everyone should be able to have their own views and opinions on a wide variety of topics. The more people express their ideas the more the world will grow and knowledge will spread. People will become wise, more intelligent, and more willing to learn what other people have to share. This Novel is the perfect example of censorship is a terrible thing.Work CitedBradbury, Ray D. Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury Books. Harper Collins, 2001. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. . Bradbury On Fahernheit 451. Interview b y Haper Collins. RayBradbury. Haper Collins, 2001. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. . Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451 Quotes. By Ray Bradbury. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Native American Literature Essay
This piece of literature, Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie, reflects what it means to be an Indian in todays culture written in first person. Alexie utilizes memories from his childhood to develop his thesis reading and writing saved his life and allowed him to overcome pauperism and be successful. They were an Indian family and his father owned an enormous amount of books. He learned to read at an early age with a Superman funny book. He writes about the stereotypes of Indians expected to be stupid and fail in the non-Indian world.He, on the other hand, declined this pity and refused to fail he was a smart Indian that read as much as he could. He grew up to be a writer and visited the schools unfailingly to save the lives of Indian children. The resolve of this member is to improve the lives of Indian children. LaFarge, Oliver. Myths that Hide the American Indian. Historical view point. New York John A. Garraty, 1991. 3-5. Print. In this essay, Oliver La Farge writes about the true civilization of the American Indian in Myths that hide the American Indian. Europeans made inferences without understanding them. La Farge describes the impact of the white mens negative perception of Indians as ruthless, faithless, savages, drunken, and lazy good-for-nothings. The some important influence the Indians had on western civilization was their political economy where they had unmatchable ruler. Later, England formed a constitutional monarchy. All in all, this articles purpose was to illistrate the Europeans views of Indians as savages was wrong they were merely advancing to civilization.The World on Turtles Back. McDougal Littell Literature American Literature. Evanston, IL McDougal Littell, 2008. 34-40. Print. The World on a Turtles Back describes the world before land, creatures, or people. The Sky-World consisted of multiple gods, a great ocean, birds of the sea, fish, creatures of the deep, and most importantly the Great Tree that grew right in the middle. T he author states that a couple was expecting a baby in the Sky-World the man went to fetch some bark from the roots of the Great Tree.He accidently dug a hole with the Sky-World and his pregnant wife fell through capturing a piece of the barks root. The woman planted the roots, and as she walked around the earth it grew into nurturing food. Later, the lady gave support to a baby girl, and when the girl got older she had twins. the right handed-twin appe ard to be god-like, while the left-landed twin comply with the devil. Both twins possessed their own powers however one twin would use it to perform kind acts, and the other used it to pursue evil. They fought till the end, but both had to exist to maintain balance in the world.The purpose of this story is to show there has to be evil in the world to balance with the good. Momaday, N. Scott. The behavior to Rainy Mountain. McDougal Littell Literature American Literature. Evanston, IL McDougal Littell, 2008. 52-58. Print. N. Scott Momadays The Way to Rainy Mountain utilizes imagery to enhance the impact of his deceased grandmothers life and old customs while he makes his journey to her grueling in Rainy Mountain. Aho, Momadays grandmother, belonged to the last tribe that migrated to North America.The Kiowas made a legend that explained that seven sisters form the Big Dipper. Aho honored the sun by attending the Kiowa Sun Dances. Prayers kept her memory since she was always praying even when she died. Momaday believes his grandmothers death was whole and eternal for her to have lived and died in the same go under Rainy Mountain. The purpose of this story is to inform the reader about the cultural history of the Kiowa Indians. Tempus, Allie. A Tribal Tragedy Suicide Rates Soar Among endemic Americans New America Media November 29 2010 Posted. Web.Native Americans suicide rates are evaluated in Allie Tempus, A Tribal Tragedy. They have the highest rate of all other cultural and racial groups. The suicides are traced back to their mental health, including depression. Poverty and family issues resulted in depression which led to drug and alcohol use. Many users experienced an abusive childhood and off to drugs to alleviate the pain. Native Americans involuntarily lost the balance in their lives as their traditions and customs died out, but today there are prevention efforts made to wither suicide rates.The purpose of this news is to inform the reader about the history and hopeful future for Native Americans suicide rates. Popick, Jacqui. Native American Women, Past, Present and Future. Lethbridge undergraduate Research Journal. 2006. Volume 1 Number 1. Jacqui Popickss Native American Women, Past, Present, and Future is an informative article that evaluates the different generations in the life of a characteristic Native American woman. In the past, women were treated equal and with respect because they have the power to give life.In present day, a drastic changed occurred because wo men face sexism, racism, and they are not generally respected as well as before. The Bill of Rights finally gave women their rights after a long, hard battle but that was not enough. As time progressed, Native American women initiated programs of awareness, AIDS, suicide, violence, prevention, and education to renew lives and overcome the feeling of hopelessness. The purpose of this journal is to show a comparison of the treatment of Native American women in the past and present, as well as goals for the future.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Philosophy & Husserl on intersubjectivity Essay
According to Husserl, inter subjective experience plays a vital role in the composing of the self as subjects that exist object lensly, different experiencing object and the design terra firma governed by space and time. Thats why transcendental phenomenology tries to reconstruct the basic reasonable structures that enable constitutive achievements. From a first person perspective, intersubjectivity occurs when raft undergo acts of empathy because an intersubjective experience is highly empathetic.This is because it occurs in the course of persons consciousness and conscious attribution of acts that ar knowledgeable and directed towards other subjects. This is happens when people put themselves in the shoes of others and studying this experience suing a phenomenological attitude calls for bracketing of beliefs in the mankind of the very targets of a persons acts ascription through the experiencing subject and ask questions whether internal beliefs justify our underlying in tersubjective experience (Carrs, 1999) .Therefore it takes phenomenal investigation to expose these beliefs which be usually unconscious when the world is experienced in the natural attitude. One of the fundamental beliefs the Husserl uncovered is the expectation that any being that resembles and has similar mannerisms as myself of all time displays traits that are also familiar with mine which means that perception will be from an egocentric perspective.This means a person would liveliness at another(prenominal) and the things the other genius does from their own perspective allowing them to go into other persons shoes and this beliefs lets one to ascribe intentional acts to others instantly without drawing an external inference or making an analogy to ones case. This means that the belief in question must be in tandem with the personal belief system because it forms part of the pre-given intentional background which is also referred to as the life word.It is this life world tha t forms a basis where all acts ascriptions and all constuitive achievements tend to make sense initially in the beginning they get the ultimate justification. Husserls perception of the life world whitethorn be quite difficult but it is also very important. This perception tail assembly be approached in two different ways which are very compatible.It can be thought in name of belief and in terms of things like senses which are culturally or socially established. Restricting ourselves to just one experience as a subject can make the lifeworld look like a rational structure that underlies a natural attitude which means that if the subjects lifeworld has beliefs against which they base their every day attitude towards themselves, it is the objective world that receives the utmost justification.However, in principle, the beliefs that form a subjects lifeworld are not immune to revision which means that Husserl is not an epistemological phenomenologist. What if people consider a single community of subjects within their ordinary lifeworld or even the homeworld? This can be looked upon by first approximating the systems of senses and meanings which make up their common form of life as long as they conceive the world and themselves using parameters provided by this form of life.Considering subjects that belong to different communities, their lifeworld can be looked upon as an overall framework of senses and meanings that give room for collective translations of their respective home worlds. One of the intuitive achievements establish on this explanation of the lifeworld and the practice of act ascription is a person self cooking stove which becomes a deary fledged person who exists as an element that has physical and psychological spatio temporal order.This self image is usually referred to as iterated empathy where one puts themselves into the shoes of another subject in a conscious manner that simulates them especially when the other person puts themselves int o your shoes in return (Lauer, 1996). This way, one can make configurations wherereby for the other subject to manage to ascribe intentional acts upon you, he has to incarnate identify with you as a full human being with flesh and blood and with the egocentric perspective having differences with their ownThis creates a conclusion that ones egocentric perspective is just one of the many perspectives that are used in the theory of intersubjectivity and from all the other strange perspectives, one appears as a physical subject in the midst of others in that world dictated by space and time. This means that the criterion of subject vs. identity applies to oneself and others too meaning that there is one living human body with one experiencing subject.However, Husserl does not want to deny that people ascribe to experiences especially the intentional experience like the animals. This is where the biggest problem and difficulty lies because there is a big bodily behavioral and bodily dif ference between human beings and animals. According to Husserl empathy also provides a background upon which practical, aesthetical and moral evaluations analytic thinking of intercultural understanding can be given a critique which means that the foreign world can be constituted against a background of ones world or home world.Husserls asserts that even the objective world that is governed by space and time, and which is a significant part of peoples daily lifeworld is also constituted intersubjectively the said(prenominal) is sure for the spatio- temporal set up that is made up of objective time and space. This brings in a question of how an abstraction of the spatio temporal object which is different from the same notion because it does not make a presupposition of any other subject can manage to observe another object from its won perspective.Husserl answers this question by arguing that for someone to put him or herself into the shoes of another subject and manage trio simul ate their perspective upon the adjacent world dictated by time and space, one does not have to assume that that world is similar to their own though the conditions under which the subjects symbolizes the world should be different because they are based on an ego centric view heading. This means that all the spatio temporal objects that form ones worlds exist separately from ones subjective perspective and the specific experiences that one performs which must be part and parcel of an objective reality.It also means that perceptual subjects are transcendent because in any particular moment, they portray a very liberal number of features that are could not be perceived or expected earlier and some manifest themselves after further observation. However, this does not mean that the objective world found in the intersubjective experience is completely separate from the aspects under which the world is represented. According to Husserl another condition that makes intersubjective experien ce possible is the assumption that the other subjects mould the world into objects just as oneself does.This means that Husserl sticks to both Realist and idealist versions. Levinas critique For Husserl, the major philosophical question is the understanding of the link between dependant upon(p) particular experience on one side and objective knowledge that is scientific on the other side meaning that one persons intentional consciousness and the other persons intentional consciousness are usually directed towards the same object (Cains, 1999). This means that the person that emerges fro Husserl analysis is just an alter ego meaning that the ego is me while the alter ego is the other.This is a postulation that was rejected by Emanuel Levinas because the question of intentionality is basically respectable instead of being epistemological and he claims that intentionality is just a form of commission. Levinas critiqued Husserls assertion because according to him, the latter has defi ed the Cartesian account of consciousness as a holder of ideas. He claims that the intentional object is not the existing object because of the bracketing of the existence of the intentional object.He claims that if experience is accounted for in terms of representation that is comprehended from this perspective, then the object of experience depends on consciousness and its from this point of view that it can be meaningful. Intentionality is therefore understood basically from an optical point of view where sight and light are involved. However according to Levinas, it is not what is seen that that speaks. For example, one can see a type but seeing it does not make if different from any other object.The face of another person is however always viewed in relation to my own and that is where Levinas make a bankers bill between the autre and the autrui and the two words are borrowed from French. The two words mean other but in different context. This reduces the world of phenomenolo gical consciousness which should be widened though analogies projected by the other however, the other breaks in on such a world creating disruptions. Levinas therefore disagrees with Husserl by claiming that the other is not placed on a horizontal axis as Husserl had claimed, it is actually placed on a vertical axis according to Levinas.The other therefore addresses me and that address may not be verbal but that face will definitely speak to me about things which may not be there in the face that is on itself understood as an object of ones intentional consciousness List of references Cains, D, 1999, Formal and Transcendental Logic, The Hague Nijhoff Carr, D ,1999, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Evanston Northwestern University Press Carl, D, 1980, Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Third Book Phenomenology and the Foundations. Evanston
Friday, May 24, 2019
2.0- Qantas Auditing, Planning and New Strategy
16 April 2012 MLC Community Foundation 2012 Grant application figure out Note Please complete this questionnaire with specific, short answers. Please submit this form as a word document and attach to your email submission. Please ensure that you keep to the numbering and order as below. About the organization 1. Your organisations name and ABN 2. A contact name, phone number and email embrace 3. Your current corporate partners (if a financial institution, please advise the nature of the relationship, including NAB) 4. The States or locations in which you currently operate/deliver services . Briefly answer for the primary services that your organisation provides to the community 6. Indicate approximate employee numbers and volunteer numbers your organisation has 7. Please confirm that you have read and take the section on Planning your application shown on the invitation document and your organisation fits this criteria About your Program 1. Please provide a summary of the specifi c political schedule/s or activities for which this submission is requesting funds? (100 150 words). Please name the service/program. 2. Is this a current program or a proposed/new program?Please provide an indication of the program reach ie number of community members that will benefit each year and how they will benefit from a render. 3. Describe how your program impacts the community in relation to the mental health of Australians and what tangible outcomes will the program deliver? 4. How will you measure and evaluate the outcomes and impacts? 5. How a lot funding are you requesting? (up to a maximum of $50,000 per organisation). Please itemise the requested amount by key items or areas of cost ie how will the grant be spent? 6.Please identify if and how additional funding is needed and sourced for 2012/13 and for the longer term sustainability of the program? 7. Please detail the MLC staff engagement and volunteering opportunities that you screw offer? What sort of things could we do for you? (Include skilled and general opportunities). Please consider how we can engage employees in your organisations cause and how we can plump for you in achieving the planned outcomes. 8. Are there either questions you have for us? Anything else / supplementary (not mandatory) You are welcome to submit any additional items you feel may be relevant.This may include Video, DVD or printed material of proposed program if available Media stories that you have generated which are relevant to your program Any research to authorise the rationale for your program (if it is new/proposed) Your organisational profile or credentials document, PowerPoint or DVD Your annual report and accounts Questions Please email emailprotected com. au if you have any questions and we will answer them as soon as we can. Thank you Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions. We look forward to reviewing your submission.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Free Will Essay
Vilayandur S. Ramachandran came from a distinguished family in Tamil Nadu, India, and was neuroscientist, which is a field of study encompassing the various scientific disciplines dealing with the nervous system. Ramachandrans views on the wit and how it works are discussed in his work The New Philosophy. In his essay he discusses the nature of consciousness, discussing the effects of certain amiable states and their influence on the body and the brain. One of his main topics, however, is the Ramachandrans view of free will. He suggest that neuroscience intersects with philosophy because the wonder of free will has been a philosophical problem for hundreds of years and more (Jacobus 569). He discusses the significance of the brain imaging that shows a readiness potential drop and what it really means to have a free will. Through his essay, though, it is inte pillowing to point out where religion and Christianity stands on the issue of free will and whether Christians are puppets under perfections command. Ramachandran poses this question about free will Is your brain the real one in charge, making your free will only a post-hoc rationalization a delusion..? When a special experiment was underway, it was discovered that when a person was told to touch their finger within the next ten minutes at their own free will, their brain would kick in almost a second before the actual willingness to move the finger. This posed the original question stated above and brought on some other questions as well. If this person is now shown the screen displaying the signal from the EEG scanner hooked up to your brain, they can wherefore see their free will. They will then have three options 1) They will experience a sudden lack of will, feeling as though the machine is controlling them, making them feel uniform a puppet.2) They will refuse to have their belief of their free will to be altered exclusively instead believe that the machine has some paranormal precognition by which it is able to predict your movements accurately (Ramachandran 559-60). 3) The person will reconfigure the experience in their mind, and cling to their sense of freedom, denying what their eyes have seen as certainty and maintain that the sensation of will precedes the machines signal, non vice versa (Ramachandran 560). The point when the brain would kick in before the movement is called the readiness potential.The readiness potential is what happens when there is a change in the electrical activity of the brain that occurs before the subjects conscious decision to move a muscle (medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com). Ramachandran believes that there is an inevitable neural delay before the signal arising in one part of the brain makes its way through the rest of the brain to deliver the message natural selection has ensured that the subjective sensation of willing to delay deliberately to coincide not with the onset of the brain commands but with the actual executi on of the command by your finger (Ramachandran 560).Ramachandran is a firm believer in evolution, believing that the events must have some sort of evolutionary purpose. On one hand, he says, this experiment shows that free will is false and cannot be causing the brain events because the events kick in a second earlier. yet on the other hand, the pause must have some purpose, otherwise why would the delay have evolved (Ramachandran 560). Though these events have a purpose, evolutionary is not the answer. In Joshua 2415 it says Choose for yourselves this day who you will serve, as for me and my household we will serve the LORD. God gives mankind a choice to watch out Him and so free will is a gift from God as something to be accepted. Humans have the gift of God to reject or translate the free gift that He offers. If humans really are descendants of apes, then when did the gift of free will come into the evolutionary chain of instantlys mankind? John 737 says Anyone who is thirsty may come to me. It is an offer. Not a demanding command. Anyone who is thirsty may come to me, shows us that God does not want us to be without his living water and without him, but it is our choice whether we choose to accept Gods free gift of salvation.When studying free will in the Bible and through works of literature like Vilayandur S. Ramachandran, there will always be people on both(prenominal) sides of the argument. Do we have control of our own destinies or are we merely puppets in Gods giant game of the being? My personal beliefs on the subject are as I have stated in this paper Though God has a control over the destiny of the world and each of our lives, he gives us a chance to make a decision to follow him or to ignore the free gift of his son that he has offered to us.John 316 it says For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believed in him would have eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Works Cited Jacobus, Lee A. A World Of Ideas. 8th e d. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print. The Free Dictionary. Medical Dictionary. Online source. http//medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/readiness+potential Bible. New Living Translation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Hr Project of Descon Rngineering Company
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PREVAILING IN DESCON ENGINEERING alliance pic SUBMITED TO Ghulam Hussain (LECTURER) SUBMITED BY Muhammad Sami ciitswlfa09-MBA-017 Iram Sabirciitswlfa09-MBA-039 Shumaila Aslamciitswlfa09-MBA-051 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, SAHIWAL. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, we are thankful to GOD WHO makes us capable to gain knowledge and after that we would like to say give thanks to parents who brought us up and made us able to face challenges of this dynamic environment.We also thank to MR. Ghulam Hussain who guides us in developing this get a line. The main purpose of this project is to enhance our skills. The project was intimately Human Resource Practices at Descon Engineering Company. We went to the Head Office of Descon Engineering Company at Lahore meet with Irfan Usmani (HRD Executive) and Ammar Khan (HRD assist Executive). They have cooperated a lot with us. After that we become capable to present this project in front of you. EXECUTIVE SUMMERYDescon is the one of the leading friendship in project based business to business market in Pakistan. This summery is all about the Human Resource Department of Descon Engineering Company. We provide discuss about the introduction of Descon in first chapter. The second chapter will tell us about the structure of HR Department in Descon. The deuce-ace chapter shows planning and job analyzing steps in the department. The fourth chapter will help us to know about selection and recruitment of procedures.The fifth chapter is all about training and Development through implementation and Evaluation. Sixth chapter will creates a knowledge how Descon conduct its Performance Appraisal System. The second put out chapter defines the compensation management. And the last chapter explains how this department handles the disputes and procurement procedures. DEDICATION We dedicate this project to our Parents, sweet cousins and friends.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Faulty Organizational Behavior in Tyco International Ltd
Most employees travel to and from the workplace each day with the ultimate goal to successfully perform their assigned job harmonise to beau monde standards. These fellowship standards may include agendas, mission statements, professional conduct guidelines and even a code of ethics. How employees choose to follow company standards may prevail their overall progress or success. While about may deviate from standards and fail, others may find themselves slipping through cracks unnoticed. Either way, the rules were broken.This paper will encounter the failure suffered by Tyco International Ltd where leadership, management, and organizational structures were compromised. Let us start with the aftermath. According to MSNBC (2005), Kozlowski and Swartz were accused of giving themselves more than $150 million in ill-gotten bonuses and forgiving loans to themselves, besides manipulating the companys stock price (Corporate Scandals, para 14). Clearly, a scandal had hit Tyco Internatio nal Ltd. Not only did former come about executives slip themselves extra property, but they also toyed around with the stock prices.These actions had made the bureauful men very wealthy. They also affected the lives of other individuals. During the trial, Kozlowski and Swartz pointed out that conflicting WorldCom and Enron, Tyco continued to thrive as a company after the scandal (MSNBC, 2005). While this may have been a valid point, we cannot dismiss the fact that stealing, fraud, and self-indulgence had been present in the company. Now we will examine how the management, leadership, and organizational structure of Tyco International Ltd contributed to this failure.Robbins and Judge (2007) explain how managers coordinate social units of an organization in put in to attain common goals. Management performs several functions in a company that may include planning, organizing, leading, and containling (Robbins & Judge, 2007). As mentioned above, these functions be performed wi thin social units to achieve common goals set by the company. Should deviation occur, it becomes the managers responsibility to get the employees back on track. The management at Tyco International Ltd strayed off course. kinda of performing tasks for the greater good of all members of the company, top xecutives allowed self-interest to govern decision-making. While managerial functions may have remained in place, the goals of these functions became malicious.Top executives began to plan, organize, lead and control in a fashion that was not in the best interest of all company members. An important managerial function is leading. When managers motivate employees, direct the activities of others, award the most effective communication channels, or resolve conflicts among members, theyre engaging in leading (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. ). Tyco experienced a lack of honest leadership. While some of the normal leadership was maintained to ensure the overall success of the company, there were areas that were intentionally pointed in the wrong direction. The corrupt executives started to make decisions that resulted in large sums of money directed their way. Stock price adjustment and illegal bonuses represented leadership that was no longer in the best interest of the company. These leaders chose to use power in a self-gratifying way.As a result, Kozlowski and Swartz entered a case that exposed the executives extravagant lifestyle after they pilfered some $600 million from the company including a $2 million toga party for Kozlowskis wife on a Mediterranean island and an $18 million Manhattan apartment with a $6,000 shower blanket (MSNBC, 2005). These men were making decisions that did not reflect the companys overall goal for success. The unlawful actions represented the misuse of leadership. Tyco International Ltd experienced a flapping in organizational behavior as a result of this scandal.Organizational behavior is concerned with actions of people and how these specific actions and behaviors affect the overall performance of the company (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Kozlowski and Swartz exhibited corrupt behavior and illegal actions for their benefit. Their actions caused a scandal that changed the way that the public and company members viewed Tyco International Ltd. Unethical practices led to fraud, stealing, and eventually perjury (MSNBC, 2005). Overall, these men undermined the value and standards of the company.They were prosecuted and Tyco International Ltd was able to move forward. Today, Tyco International Ltd has an ethical standard in place. According to Verschoor (2006), Against a dismal backdrop of corrupted ethics and failed governance, Ed Breen, Tyco chairman and CEO, began the process of ethical reform when he joined the company in the middle of 2002 (p. 15). Tyco now has four core values that include integrity, excellence, teamwork, and accountability. These values are listed and explained in the 40-page booklet titled The Tyco Guide to Ethical Conduct Doing the Right Thing (Verschoor, 2006).Employees are urged to report any unethical actions and must remain tractable with all standards. Unlike other businesses faced with scandal, Tyco survived. Managers realized the need for installing strict rules and standards that would require enforcement. As a result, the organizational behavior of Tyco became more stable. rising standards make it more difficult for unethical behavior to slip by and cause scandal. Tyco International Ltd turned a negative situation into a acquire experience.ReferencesMSNBC.(2005).Ex-Tyco executives get up to 25 years in prison.Retrieved from http// Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational Behavior (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. Verschoor, C. C. (2006,April). Tyco An Ethical Metamorphosis. Strategic Finance, 87(10), 15-16.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Spiritual Giants
Hello, my name is Tatiana Rosario for those who founding fathert enjoy me. Today Im divergence to be talking to you guys or so spiritual goliaths. In an another(prenominal)(prenominal) church I went to we skimmed the topic briefly and I think thats what made me live on much interested in it. I think this is a topic that should be taught to everyone especially to the youth. For the situation that we need to be able to examine and concur what is holding us keep going from getting close-set(prenominal) to God and from what is holding us back from savoring his presences.As I was searching online for something to explain to me more(prenominal) about these monstrositys. I came across this page and it had a list of giants that could be holding us back from God. As I read through each and every one of them I noticed that the giants listed argon common and mess come to us in a daily basis. Have you ever archetype about the fact that Giants Are Real? GIANTS ar not a part of yo ur imagination or something you dream of. Problems, Pressures, pains, and persecutions are giants that we impart have to strikingness form time to time. 10 COMMON GIANTS in that location is a giant of Resentment that basically means when you are hint petulance for being treated in a way you shade is unfair. If you go to Psalm 378 it says Refrain from provoke and turn from wrath do not fretit leads only to evil. What this verse is saying is that when you feel that anger stop yourself and dont worry because if you keep caring that anger with you it doesnt get break out and you dont get better. So just let it go and turn to God. Ive had to face the giant of resentment a couple times in my life and here I am myself telling that I havent token it softly.I dont hit the hay about you guys when I think something is unfair the first thing I want to do is prove the other person wrong and be wish NO it was like this or No this happened and we have to fancy that in a way its not w orth it at all. What do you gain from it? 2- on that berth is a giant of Fear if you dont know what fear is it is being afraid of person or something that is likely painful or dangerous. Weve all confront fear in our life. Ive faced fear in my life a lot and sometimes I crowd out get all over it right field away but, sometimes I go through a hard struggle too.In Isaiah 4113 states I, the LORD your God, hold your hand it is I who say to you, Fear not, I will assist you. 3- Now I know this something I felt for quieten sometime and it is Loneliness. Psalm 7323 says I am continually with You You have taken hold of my right hand. In this verse the shaper is telling us that when we feel alone we really arent that he is always with us no matter what and that we are there at his side holding his hand. I never understood that work I read that verse.I always but myself in this solitary isolation and now my eyeball have been open and I know it doesnt have to be like that for me or for any(prenominal) of you. 4- There is also a giant of Guilt and Shame. Guilt is that fact or realization that you connected an offense. While shame is the painful feel of humiliation which is the outcome of guilt. Proverbs 1821 says Words kill, wrangling give life theyre either poison or fruit- you choose. It took me a couple of minutes to understand on why this is the verse came to me but now I understand it.Sometimes we might feel guilty because of what we might say to someone and this verse explains that to annihilate this giant in front of you you cant just be like God take this feeling that I feel off from me you also have to put it in you so that your words be like fruit to concourse when you speak not poison. 5- When the mind dwells into an uncertainty over a problem is Worry, and there is a giant of worry. In 1Peter 57 it says Cast all worry on him because he cares for you. Worry is an anxiety and God is telling you that every time you feel worry or you over think s omething to the point of worry to put it in his hand.Why? Because he loves you and he does not want you to be center on your troubles but on him. I have faced worry many times when control in the car, walking from school, and even in my have got home but, I know that I cant let it get to me because then Im letting my giant Im letting the devil win and we cant do that. 6- Next there is the giant of consternation. Discouragement is the loss of hope in the face of an obstacle. To me this a real big giant because if we are alter with discouragement then how? How do we face the obstacles that the devil puts in place for us so we dont get to God and we need GodWe need him he is our air, he is our light and we wont let the devil Stop us from getting to him. Psalm 6932-33 Be encouraged, you who fear God. The LORD listens to those in need. You know what this means it means that if you are feeling discouragement why havent you called out to the Lord for help yet. Why? He is listening an d he is there by your side why havent you called him yet? 7- This next giant Jealousy known as the evil eye. Showing envy. This is another giant that provokes anger. Ecclesiastes 79 says Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.Jealousy doesnt only mean Oh he likes her not me or Oh she doesnt like me she likes him People get jealous over material things too. equivalent you might want her phone, she might want her hair, and so on. Sometimes we let these things get to us so quick that it does make us foolish and to gain and earn more you first have to be content with what you have because you might not have the phone she has but, maybe you are the one that is going to make the next best-selling phone in the world. 8- 1Samuel 23 Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth.Pride is one great giant that a lot of people dont see but its there. Its proficient to be glad about something you did but when it all becomes too much of you. You. You. Thats not good. 9- Thats where selfishness comes in, this means that youre only concerned for yourself. What makes you better than anyone else? What do you have that God hasnt effrontery you? And if all you have if from God, why boast as though you have accomplished something on your own 1 Corinthians 47 10- Okay, were almost done. Whenever you feel uncertain, you are feeling doubt.When youre feeling doubt you dont know what spiritual path you are walking through anymore. I went through a time when I was full of doubt to the point when I didnt know if down was actually down not up. Psalm 9419 is a great intelligence verse to read if you are ever feeling doubt it says Lord, when doubt fills my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer. And thats the only way we can break these giants we might feel like we are alone but we have to keep saying and believing that God is right here next to us and all you have to do is call up to him and all your giants will be gone.Giants cause major difficulty In our lives. If you still arent sure on what a giant is a giant is anything that distracts us from our focus on God. The things I mentioned can detour us distract us and even drain us of everything God intended us to be. It goes without saying that the giants we are fighting need to be slain and removed today. And with that being my last word I would like to thank you guys for letting me talk to you tonight.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Improving Study Habits Essay
The greatest measure saver is being organized. Establish routines that go like clockwork. Maximizing clock time makes an individual productive. Personal time management is organizing and managing according to personal priorities, to get where one wants to go. Those who use this technique be the highest achievers in in all walks of life. The beguileing and essential step in drawning to manage time much effectively is to identify how time is being spent, because only through examining, one can begin to set priorities, eliminate time barriers and aids to better time management. In the course of Bachelor of acquirement in Psychology, students need to learn many skills that are needed in pr causeicing the actual profession. Psychology students invite so many donnish requirements to prioritize, but they also have extra-curricular that are important as well, and they ever so need to cope with time pressure. College is an entirely different situation than high school.Classes cons ist of far less grades, but they are worth it when you are done. Do not tell yourself, Ill read the duty assignment later, because often times you merely end up cramming right before the test research indicates that cramming is not the best (nor is it the worst) method of studying. At first, different factors can affect the donnish performance of a students in order to achieve success, going through the steps are necessary. It should provide time for students to review activities and embarrass too many errors that results to unaccomplished tasks or tasks that are accomplished, but after several attempts to do so. It reduces avoidance and welcomes former(a) opportunities that could help in preparing for other tasks.This study will contribute to the perception of the future psychology students in prioritizing the academic activities and requirements in terms of importance and urgency. The researchers conducted a survey regarding the said topic at Centro escolar University among th e second year psychology students. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the study habits and the effects to academic performance on psychology students particularly in the second year level. Habits (or wonts) are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously or A habit, from the standpoint of psychology, is a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience.As behaviors are repeated in a consistent context, there is an incremental join on in the link between the context and the action. This increases the automaticity of the behavior in that context. Features of an automatic behavior are all or some of efficiency, lack of awareness, unintentionally, and uncontrollability. And a bad habit is an undesirable behavior pattern. Anyone interested in getting better results, becoming more productive and ultimately more successful should probably waste an honest l ook at the problem of dilatoriness. Most people think procrastination is just an ignore that involves putting things off that can be done later without much of a penalty. But if procrastination will become your habit especially in your study what would be the effect of it in your academic performances?Statement of the problem.1. What are the bad habits/behavior/attitude toward the respondents issuings?Ans. Gagawin pa yang sentence.Lack of interest in the subject area, Unable to set priorities (extra curricular activities, entertainment, etc.), Lack of prerequisites for success in the current subject area, Unstable home life ability to concentrate, lack of interest or motivation to succeed, procrastinating, habitual lateness, overextension, inability to Prioritize, Negative Mindset and Fear of Failure2. Does the negative attitudes and habits of psychology students affect their academic performances?3. The reasons why they act/behave that way.Gagamitan naten to ng theories ha ) at d pa to tapos.Lack of Focus, Family problems, social lives (including texting, IMing, etc.), outside distractions (phone, music, TV),
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Shakespeare Sonnet Compare and Contrast Essay
praise discriminate and Contrast Essay wonder can be expressed and described in many diametrical ways. Shakespeares sonnets 116 and 18 justify that jockey has the ability to create extremely powerful feelings between 2 race, which can help them achieve the ultimate sense of happiness. To that end, when people experience true make love they inhabit a more than gratificationful and content life. When a soulfulness finds love their lives are filled with joy and pleasure that bring true happiness into ones life.In sonnet 116, Shakespeare writes that love should be an ever fixed mark, / That looks on tempests and is never shaken, (lines 4-5). Shakespeare is speaking of a building that could never be destroyed. This abduce carries a f subject inside it, by referring to love as a sturdy building. True love should never collapse it should eer hold fast and be strong no matter how dire a situation is. The metaphor also brings to light the idea that love can empower a person by creating a sense of strength and stability in between the two people that share it.In sonnet 18, Shakespeare is adapted to justify that when one is in love, one leave alone ever see the beautiful side of the person they admire. This is described in lines 9-10 thy eternal summer shall not fade, / Nor lose possession of that fair owest Shakespeare is comparing a glorious and never ending summer to how a person views their true love. Through the lovers eye, beauty and youth will never fade. This quote also contains a hyperbole, one cannot be juvenile forever, just like summer does not last all year, plainly in the eyes of those in love beauty doesnt change and summer doesnt turn to fall.One that has experienced true love has a enhanced view on life, and becomes deeply invested into their soul mate. In both poems, Shakespeare declares that when two people are in love, they in turn create deep enthusiasm for another. A person in love sees eternal beauty in the other. Sonnet 18 co mpares thee to a summers day? / Though are more lovely and temperate (lines 1-2). Shakespeare uses a comparison to a beautiful summer day, to explain that a person in love believes that their soul mate is lovelier.By apply an association with something tangible like the warmth and beauty of summer, Shakespeare is able to validate the couples enthusiasm and intensity of feelings for severally other. As shown in sonnet 116 metaphors are also used to show love, Lines 4-5 provide an even deeper and more significant meaning for this sonnet. The metaphor makes love seem like an unbreakable structure, one that is built on trust, admiration, and no doubt of wavering feelings. Lines 4-5 contain examples of diction such as, never, shaken, and tempest.Diction is used in this quote to create a deeper meaning and emphasize on how firm the structure should be. The word never gives a sense of confidence that nothing will ever be destroyed and the love will always be the same. Love creates enthus iasm within a person, causing them feel a deep benignity for another, but love also makes a person stronger by guiding them through problematic moments Love should be able to guide people through hard times and support them when they need it most.The quote in line 2-5 of Sonnet 116 is very metaphorical because the quote implies that love should be strong and will never let a person down no matter how hard the situation is. As Shakespeare said, Love is not love, Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove, he refers to love as being something tangible, as a solid unbreakable object. By doing so, he explains that true love cannot just come and go with the tide or the wind but that it is a stable and durable fixture. Love should not moreover make a person stronger, it should also have the ability of guiding and giving advice to a lover.In Sonnet 116 line 7, Shakespeare states that love is, the star to every wandering bark. This phrase compares the North Star, which is used by different vessels, as a guide to love. The vessel is a lost and hopeless soul but the star is love which helps guide a person to happiness. Once a person finds their rock, they are able to grow and have confidence knowing that they have somebody to support them. Shakespeares sonnets 116 and 18 validates that love is a powerful connection between two people.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Paper on John Pierport Morgan: Father of Modern United States Economy
John Pierpont Morgan is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern United States economy. Morgan was a banker, railroad czar, industrialist, financier, philanthropist, yachtsman, and ladies man. The wealth of the Morgan family did not begin with Pierpont merely with his grandfather Joseph Morgan. Josephs first son was Junius Spencer Morgan, in addition ordain for the life of a line of creditman. In 1864 Junius took oer the Peabody society and changed the name to J. S. Morgan & Co. John Pierpont Morgan was born on April 17, 1837 in Hartford, Connecticut.The family prospered in Hartford until Junius moved the family to Boston where Morgan began Boston English High. In 1857, Junius Morgan decided to broaden his sons vex by sending him to tonic York. The firm of Duncan, Sherman & Co. was the American representation of the George Peabody Company. In less than three long time Morgan went from clerk to cashier in the society. In 1860 Morgan left Duncan, Sherman and founde d J. P. Morgan and Company to act as an agent for his fathers business.In 1864 Morgan joined up with another former businessman of Duncan, Sherman & Company, Charles Dabney. Charles Dabney and Morgan started their own caller named Dabney, Morgan & Co. Morgans business continued to cause as he intensively involves his company in more trade and commerce transactions. In 1871 Dabney retired and Anthony J. Drexel became Morgans newly senior partner. Drexel was already the head of the Philadelphia investment bank Drexel & and Company. The new company Drexel Morgan & Co. became one of the largest and approximately flourishing companies on Wall Street.When Junius Morgan died in 1890, J. P. became head of the London house. Anthony Drexel also died in 1893, and Morgan disturbd the Morgan and Drexel firms two days later. The New York based Drexel Morgan became J. P Morgan & Co. Morgan was an imposing figure on Wall Street and in the screening world but was virtually unknown to many u ntil 1869. That year a war over railroads began including Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, some(prenominal) famous financiers. Gould already had dominant operate over the Erie railroad and began to buy up stock in the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad.The board of the railroad was prevented from issuing new stock to protect itself and the president of the company, Joseph Ramsey, was suspended. Ramsey and the board of the company fought Gould buy acquiring more shares of the company. The board of directors and Ramsey asked Morgan for his financial support. Morgan deposed the Erie railroad directors and was more than happy to assist the Ramsey plea. by legal feuds with Boss Tweed and other characters and holding covert stockholder meetings, Morgan was able to obtain a lease over the company.The state supreme court upheld the lease and ensured ownership over the company to Morgan, Ramsey and the pilot owners. The legislature, at the time, began to propose manoeuver of railroad management, prev ent stock watering, and tax profits. William H. Vanderbilt, the legislature, at the time, began to propose control of railroad management, prevent stock watering, and tax profits. Vanderbilt inherited eighty seven percent of the stock of the New York Central Railroad. He made a secret agreement with Morgan to sell 250,000 shares of his stock to English investors.Vanderbilt also agreed to combine the Central railroad with the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad. When the news broke out nigh the deal, Morgan was praised as an economic genius and stepped out of his fathers shadow. As Morgan enjoyed his position on the board of the New York Central, he apply his position to settle a dispute of railroad organization in 1885. New York Central was competing with protactinium railroad for control over the West Shore line. The two companies were engaging in rate wars and for control over surrounding lines.A second offspring, the South Pennsylvania line, was built by the Central to vie w ith the Pennsylvania line. Morgan argued that is was senseless for Vanderbilt and Gould, the two leadership, to compete over the lines. The two parties agreed and Morgan was again hailed as an industrial wizard. Mr. Morgan developed into the nations railroad reorganizer. Morgan was brought in to slash the value of the watered stock, reduce interest rates on the bonds, and assess the shareholders for more money.Morgans plans for the Philadelphia and Reading lines were working well until their president A. Archibald McLeod waged was against Pierpont. In 1888, John Pierpont was again called on to reorganize railroads in the east. Morgan was unsympathetic with establishmental regulation however, he sought to inspection and repair enforce the interstate Commerce Act of 1887. After the Panic of 1893, the governing body called on Morgan once more to reorganize a large number of leading railroad systems of the country. Various devices were used to ensure Morgans continued control and th at of his associates over the companies. Morgans methods of railroad organization followed a standard pattern with small variations.Third, Morgan and his associates would always charge enormous fees for their services. Morgans in-personity most likely grows from his role in the emergence of many modern companies. Morgan, through his innate business sense, helped launch some of Americas largest corporations. Morgan was now known throughout the land for reorganizing the railroad system. Morgan was one of the earliest of doubting Thomas Edison. Morgan continued to support the growing company by acquiring many stock shares and facilitating the companys merger with the Thomson-Houston galvanising Company.This merger give rised the General Electric company, one of the most prominent companies in the modern world. Morgan went on to help create the Federal Steel Company, the National Tube Company and the American Bridge Company. One of Morgans most famous business deals was the formatio n of the United States Steel Corporation in 1901. Morgan collaborated with Elbert Gary and John Gates to consolidate different steel companies to form a supercombination. The U. S Steel Corporation was organized and acquired the outstanding bonds and stocks of the Carnegie Company.The company also bought the preferred stocks of Federal Steel, National Steel, National Tube, American Steel & Wire, American Tin Plate, American Steel Hoop, American Sheet Steel, Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines and American Bridge Company. Morgan agreed to reorganize the situation and the two companies Deering Harvester and McCormick Harvesting Machine were merged with three other small companies to create the International Harvester Company. A Boston firm primarily financed the American Telephone and Telegraph Company when they faced a consortium of New York bankers in 1902.The New Yorkers, led by J. P Morgan, brought back Theodore Vail as head of the company and funded the company with one hundre d million dollars to reorganize the company on a national scale. After 1906, the company was revived and a commanding force it was also generally backed by the house of Morgan. At the time many people believed that Morgan as well as other wealthy financiers including Carnegie and Rockefeller were stronger than the government and were not subject to ordinary laws.Morgan was said to have greatly profited from the transaction, although such(prenominal) upheaval was caused when Morgan refused to reveal his profits to a congressional committee. The panic of 1907 had begun with the public in mayhem and the government turning once again to Morgan for his leadership. Morgan pooled together an emergency committee with Rockefeller, Harriman, Frick, Schiff and H. H. Rodgers. This meaning of great financial leaders decided to help deal with the problem and deposit money into the government funds.Morgan rejected this idea however, the theme did instruct the secretary of Treasury to deposit su bstantial government relief funds and organize thousands of banks nationwide to deposit excess money into the relief fund. Pierpont Morgan was a man of many pecuniary gains and along with these gains came speculations and bitterness into his financial dealings. The public often questioned the large undisclosed sum of money Morgan made by load-bearing(a) the Treasury in 1895. This event was only one of many debatable issues that concerned Morgan and his control over the government and the American market.President Roosevelt investigated Morgans large deal with the U. S. Steel Corporation and Tennessee Railroad Company but found that that the means employed were none the less effective, as well as profitable. The culmination of the government and publics suspicion of Morgans activities were the Pujo hearings of 1912. The House Banking and Currency subcommittee headed by representative Arsene Pujo had been trying to establish that a money authority ruled over Americas major corpor ations, railroads, insurance companies, securities markets, and banks.The attorneys prosecuting Morgan made the pivotal point that eighteen financial institutions in effect controlled a two-thirds majority of the 1912 capital resources, over twenty five billion dollars. The lead attorney questioned J. P. Morgan about his actions in a famous cross-examination. Morgan was questioned on his supposed monopolies, earnings and business practices. The value of Morgans organization of companies and keep is immeasurable, as these companies are some of todays leading corporations. Pierpont built America with more in mind than that of personal financial gain.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Positive Relationships With Children Essay
Positive relationships with minorren and preteen pile atomic number 18 of import for the following reasons When a child/young person feels comfortable and strike outtled inwardly their care displace they are more likely to sop up and participate more with staff and other children within the mathematical group which creates a more relaxed atmosphere, it in any case makes the separation process easier for the parents/carers as well as the child /young person as it shows that the child/young person is emotionally secure, Building and maintaining incontrovertible relationships is in any case historic as it contributes to the developmental needs of each individual child/young person personally, socially and emotionally which then enhances their language skills as they gain confidence talking to each other and staff.Positive relationships also enables us as practitioners to take care and respond to children/young mint more effectively as we are able to recognise their emo tions and expressions and also enables practitioners to plan more accurately as we neck more of the interests and understand the developmental needs of the children/young slew in our care. Making sure as a practitioner I keep to my word i.e. if a child/group have done a token activity today, and I have told another group/child they may have a minute next session I must make sure that is what takes place as theses situations will shanghai the trust between myself and the children within the setting.Positive relationships are maintained by us practitioners, parents /carers cosmos straightforward role models, by showing courtesy and respect to each other at all times, remember that we must show respect and courtesy to our younger as well as our elders, Always being fair and consistent, listening to what is being said without making judgement and making sure that any rules and boundaries set out are kept to and understanding when information is to be kept confidential, being abl e to chance on and resolve disagreements /conflicts, help children and young people to understand the difference. Effective communication- the way in which we speak to an individual, harmonise to age and developmental stage of the child/young person, beingaware of body language/ reach gestures and facial expressions. Ensuring that children and young people are aware and understand their views and opinions are valued and considered.It is important that people involved in the care of children and young people build and maintain positive relationships with each other, as this poop also have an enormous impact the development and wellbeing of the children and young people within their care spectrum, having a positive relationship with the child/young persons parent/carer can have positive effect on the child/young person, as this is the first step in getting to know and understand the initial needs and preferences, likes and dislikes and fears or concerns of each individual, also by including parent/carers in unhomogeneous sessions giving them the opportunity to contribute and get involved in planning and implementing of various activities it encourages people to engage in conversation where different views, ideas, and skills are learned.Also shared whilst showing the children/young people how to start in diverse community where we are all individuals who are able to work together heedless of background or upbringing. positive relationships between the various professionals working with children/young people whether it be colleagues, international agency/organisation or service, is important as it has a direct impact on the child/young person ongoing development, being able to share information between adults involving children/young people in different situations engaging in various activities, means that planning for the children/young people can be done more effectively as each professional involved may fool a different way of contributing towards the d evelopment /wellbeing of the child/young person, they may also have the opportunity to identify any needs and interests different to those already established, the welfare of children/young people can be properly monitored while being assured that each child/young person is being given consistent care, any concerns or issues can be shared accurately and forthwith when required following correct procedures and guidelines.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Industrial Revolution - Essay ExampleThe success of the whole mathematical operation depended on the ability to access products and services readily and the reduction of time wastage because of increased accessibility (Kiely, 2003, p. 56). increase product and service visibility is directly linked with improve livelihoods because it reduces the amount of time and allow citizens to acquit getting evens faster than before the revolution. Actually, industrial revolution simplified the living condition and improved the status of American citizens.As the focus formd from subsistence employment to commercial production, several changes occurred and touch the citizens positively. The increase in competition guide to drive to change the production methods and carry for expansion due to increasing demand. Therefore, industrialization led to change in transportation and technology (Kiely, 2003, p. 57). New production systems were invented in order to reduce cost of production and incre ase the number of units produced. Consequently, the infrastructure was upgraded in order to improve connection between suppliers and consumers. The change was in effect(p) because it improved the citizens access to cities and essential products and services. The phylogeny of highways, canals, and turnpikes improved connection in the society which affected the society positively. Industrial revolution led to increased job creation within the society thereby increasing per capita earning of the country. The development of factories as a result of increased competition and revolution was in tandem with the demand for labor. The demand for labor created an opportunity for American citizens to get employment in the companies (Kiely, 2003, p. 89). The demand for crusade attracted immigrants which led to more immigrants crossing the border in search for jobs. The entry of immigrants changed the countries perspective and led to the development of new approaches in the society including integration of different cultures and production systems. The immigrants shaped the landscape of the country by improving the understanding of the rights of the citizens and outsiders. In fact, the immigration led to awareness on human rights infringement and the need to develop the bill of rights. Therefore, it led to improved societal awareness. Challenges of the industrial revolution Despite the positives associated with the industrial revolution, it besides brought several challenges as a result of change in population and production. One main issue highlighted by environmentalist is environmental damage as a result of the increased damage. During the industrialization era, a couple of(prenominal) rules existed that protected the environment. In fact, there was no guidance in relation to environmental protection. As a result, companies polluted the environment seriously. The most affected sector was air because of the use of coal, wood and fossil furnish in the production pro cess (Kiely,
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Emergency Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergency charge - Essay ExampleConsistent exam and maintenance of warning systems will patron a lot to minimize physical damages and release of life too. (Emergency Management)Emergency services are organizations which work to ensure the safety of the public, by addressing jot situations. So it must act to its best in providing information about upcoming events to the public. For this, emergency services must adhere to thoughtful risk communication strategy. It should drive out the fear of public upon certain unplayful crisis. As well as, make the public believe that the risk existing is low, so that the public could persist in with ease. A nonher important thing is that the emergency services should be in a position to deliver accurate as well as quick information. To put it in a nut shell, it should not simply alert and alarm people but educate and inform them about the issue. It should make the public understand, no matter how complex the issue may be. (Emergency Manageme nt)The support and cooperation of the public could be well bring home the bacon only through making them understand the intensity of the situation. If the public is threatened or misguided, then they may not response properly during the crisis. Once gained the hope of the public, we need to do rehearsal of emergency cases. For this the help of emergency response team could be sought. (Lindel, Pratter and Perry)While working within the NIMS, at times exigency may occur such(prenominal) that we need to bring in outside organisations for help. The National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) provides consistent mechanism to effectively prepare for emergency incidents. It can contact other organisations or associations such as public health agencies or EMS organisations in regard with the availability of their training. NIMS integrate the MRC unit and the community of interestss existing public health and medical service infrastructure. Thus it strengthens the integral component of the emergency response system. (Lindel, Pratter and Perry)Evaluation
Monday, May 13, 2019
Are GMOs helpful or harmful Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
be GMOs helpful or harmful - Essay ExampleThis has resulted in many scientists coming up with the ways of increasing productivity of the already existing land. In fact, some ways of growing GMO include irrigation of dry aras and use of fertilizers.On top of that, there have been efforts to reclaim land from the seas and oceans. For example, dykes constructed in Netherlands for creation of to a greater extent land necessary for horticulture farming. Despite the above suggestions, there has been starvation in some countries when they are strickle by drought like in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Therefore, scientists have come up with the idea of growing crops that are genetically modified. The idea has been met with a lot of criticism despite being seen as the only workable solution to hunger elimination.GMOs can be either harmful or helpful according to diverse arguments and perspectives. They are helpful because of the following there has been lack of enough traditional seed to be plant ed. This suggests that it get out result to food shortage if the genetic foods are banned. The food shortage consequently results to increase of the hail of food which is already high. The high prices on the food are because of increase in demand and unfavourable weather changes. However, with genetic food, more food will be produced and the cost of food will or else go flock. For instance, in US, the Agricultural Department has rein-stored the modified weed killer resistant sugar-beet because more than half of sugar produced in US has been genetically modified. There are also modified cotton and soy beans (Kilman and Tomson 10).Another benefit of genetic foods is that the crops are resistant to pests and viruses due to use of technology. Hence, food prices go down due to the continuous practice of large scale farming will be easy. For example in Europe, they have adopted genetic modification to reduce the high demand for wheat and avoid futurity shortages which can result to starvation (Pendrous 24). There has been
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Theory and Hypothesis in Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Theory and Hypothesis in - look for Paper ExampleBecause of a number of features of hypothesis such as its internal consistency, its consistency with alert facts, its potential for making counter-intuitive prediction and because of its testability, the findings of the system are not only relevant to theorys explanations of events but they also help to corroborate the findings of other researchers. The hypothesis generally related with some theory has a greater chance of being correct than the common sense. Almost all scientific theories chute as hypotheses. The more(prenominal) the theories are subjected to rigorous tests under a variety of conditions and assumptions and the more they hold up, the more credible they become over time. The relationship between the hypothesis and theory serves to challenge previously held views by introducing different sets of assumptions or more recent information besides expanding the boundaries of research by inferring new hypotheses from the t heory using deductive logic and extrapolating them to new situations. I reviewed the research paper Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs or so Gods In?uence in Everyday Life by Scott Schieman from the journal The Sociology of Religion to get together how the author makes use of theory and hypothesis.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Valuing Diversity Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Valuing Diversity Policy - Assignment lawsuitAll said, this can make for an interesting work experience, where anyone with an open mind, eyes and ears can learn from separately other (Thiederman, 2008, 45). The variety of experiences and inputs that people bring to an organization like Home Hunters enriches its culture. As such, there is distinctly a need for a policy that encourages and values, rather than stifles innovation in the workplace. This is the business imperative for diversity in the workplace. Though some regard diversity as a stumbling block, modern and expanding organizations like ours drop to recognize, embrace and value diversity for what it means. A multicultural workforce working together can do so much to a greater extent than another all coming from the same background, having the same beliefs and ideas and wanting to do things in the same manner from beginning to end, day in and day out. An organization is bound to laze and disintegrate in the absence of n ew ideas and new ways of doing things. Diversity also means that we notion inward and outward of ourselves with a new perspective, be ready to face new challenges and earn and rein new opportunities, in line with the ever-changing business scenario. We swallow our strengths and weaknesses, and will develop and choose strategies that get hold of us the best chances of surviving and prospering in the marketplace. Now that Home Hunters has progressed to a national entity and the invoke of our company and its products and services are rapidly gaining acceptance and familiarity in a number of communities, it is imperative that we create and adopt a well understanded diversity policy. Diversity is a cornerstone of correspondity at work, and encourages equal probability for all. It is anti-discriminatory because no one would be disqualified from seeking employment at Home Hunters because of his or her ethnicity, color of skin, language, religious or even sexual preferences. Diversi ty encourages affirmative action and equal opportunity for all. Encouraging diversity at Home Hunters would also help build and maintain competitive advantage, as problems, opportunities and strategies can be examined and evaluated from a variety of perspectives before implementation. This is the value of diversity contributing to the richness of ideas. For a prospective home owner, nothing can be sweeter than to hear a sales representative explain to him or her, the pros and cons of buying a house in a certain locality in the native Australian language. This creates a bond between buyer and seller and can be used to sell more houses to similar ethnic groups. All this is possible with diversity, and will certainly reflect favorably on net and revenues. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DIVERSITY POLICY It is one thing to value diversity, but it is another thing to successfully implement a diversity policy across an organization. It takes a lot of thought and effort to consider which aspects of company policy need to be included or excluded from the diversity initiative (Barak, 2010, 6). Other policies make earlier may also have to be revamped in the light of the diversity initiative. Once the changes have been made and the new policy created, it would have to be evaluated by Human Resources and the Policy Committee comprising of the chief operating officer and department heads in our organization. The need for a diversity policy has also been pointed out by the well-behaved Governance Committee as one of the hallmarks of good and efficient governance in an
Friday, May 10, 2019
Berlin Airlift Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Berlin Airlift - Essay ExampleThis study outlines thatthe divergence of views on the status of Berlin soon emerged. The Soviet northward considered the presence of the opposite three westbound nations only as a temporary occupation. As Joseph Stalin claimed, in scotch and administrative terms, the whole of Berlin belonged to the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany. On the other hand, the horse opera Powers asserted that the citizens of Berlin had the right to choose and determine the future.From this paper it is clear thatthe rift was further change given the difference in Soviet couplers and Western nations viewpoints regarding the economic recovery plan for Germany. The former believed that Germany should be incapacitated to launch another war since Stalin assumed that Germany on with Japan could once again be perils to Soviet Union by 1960s. On the contrary, the Western Powers, in particular the US, stressed that the post war reconstruction of Europe primarily depends on the rebuilding of German providence and industry.In line with the Western recovery plan, the unification of the Western-occupied sectors in Germany, dubbed as the marshal Plan, was announced on March 6, 1948. The three Western zones would be consolidated with an independent federal government.In this regard, the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council administering over Berlin due to the perceived violation of the Potsdam Agreement by the Western Powers.... In this regard, the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council administering over Berlin due to the perceived violation of the Potsdam Agreement by the Western Powers (Readers Companion to American History). Apparently, the country was divided into East Germany under the Soviet Union and West Germany under Western Power control. As such, Berlin was similarly divided.As a pre-requisite for the establishment of independence, the Western Powers called for the revival of the scrimping. During those times, the o nly active economy in West Germany was the black market. To push through with the Marshall Plan, the underground economy would have to be destroyed. The Western Powers believed that currency reform was the answer. (Botting)Currency ReformAs part of the proposed change in currency, a brand new currency, the Deutschemark, would replace the highly depreciated Reichsmark. The Deutschemark was set with a stable and universally accepted value. For the plan to succeed, the currency reform operation was carried out in finis secrecy. They deemed it crucial that no leak was generated for this would result to adverse international consequence. (Botting)When the new currency was announced in June 23, 1948, substantial economic recovery commenced in West Germany. The confidence in money was revived and economy normalized as traders abandoned the barter system and sold goods in exchange for cash. The shops were also filled with motley consumer goods which had not been sold legally for a long t ime. (Botting)Soviet ReactionThe introduction of the new currency proved to be unacceptable for the Soviet Union. In a meeting between Stalin and three Western
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Wind tunnel use Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Wind tunnel use - explore Paper ExampleAn aerodynamic force is produced by any body which moves inside a unruffled. The dower of this force which is perpendicular to the perplexity of motion is called salary increase.On the contrary, the force in the direction of motion is called the snarl The Lift force is created according to the hydrostatical theorem of the Archimedes principle. According to this principle, the aircraft will be buoyed up by a force fair to middling to the weight of the air displaced by the aircraft. (Milne-Thomson, 1966) An aerofoil is a perfect example to discuss the creation of the turn over and the reasons associated with it. An aerofoil is a non- even object and therefore a non-symmetric flow dramaturgy is created around that object. This non-symmetric flow field also causes an uneven obligate distribution which would not have happened in case of a symmetric object. In the case of the aero foil, the differences in the length of the upper and the lowe r surfaces and the shape causes the creation of a haul gradient which results in the creation of the overthrow force. Source The creation of the lift can further be explained using Bernoullis equation. In a typical aerofoil, the length at the bottom is shorter than the length at the top. therefrom air at the bottom travels slowly to ensure constant displacements of top and bottom. Bernoullis equation predicts that higher compel will develop where velocity is slow and therefore the pressure at the bottom will be higher. hence the upward force will be greater than the downward thrust resulting in the coevals of an upward lift. (Munson, 2008) The horizontal component is labeled induced drag. b)Describe how atmospheric parameters ( temperature, pressure, meanness) affect the generation of lift and drag as an aircraft gains altitude.? The calculation of the lift has a simple formula which is Where is the lift coefficient, L is the lift force, is the fluid density, U is the relative speed between the object and the fluid and A is the cross-sectional area (Munson, materialization and Okiishi). This means that the lift coefficient determines the lift force and this coefficient is at one time dependent upon the shape of the foil, the fluid properties and the roughness of the surface. smooth-spoken properties include fluid density, viscosity and temperature which contribute to the lift force. The general equation for this is Where Re is the Reynolds Number, Fr is the Froude number, Ma is the Mach number, and is a measure of surface roughness (Munson, Young and Okiishi) Thus when these external parameters change, the lift coefficient is affected directly which consequentially affects the lift force. Taking temperature to be the first variable, we know that temperature is inversely proportional to density. The aircraft, when it gains altitude, flies at lower temperatures and thus faces an increase in the density of the surrounding air. An increas e in air density results in the increase in the weight of the displaced air and thus an increase in the lift force. A contradiction however is the mass of air which is higher near the surface of the earth due to gravity. Thus the density which is dependent upon mass decreases with increasing altitude, resulting in a lower lift force at higher altitudes. When it comes to pressure, it also decreases as the aircraft gains altitude. This is so because the density lowers and the direct effect of this is the reduction in the pressure gradient between opposite surfaces. Again this decrease causes a reduction in the amount of lift force produced. Research a) Describe how drag varies with airspeed and the generation of lift. Drag will always be yield on a moving body, even though lift is not produced. What do we call this fictional character of drag and how does shape affect it? As mentioned before, the drag force is the force acting parallel to the direction of motion or the line of symme try of the object. It normally opposes motion and slows down objects. it is
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