Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Animal Farm Essays - British Films, Cold War Films, Allegory
Animal Farm Essays - British Films, Cold War Films, Allegory Animal Farm by George Orwell is a novel based on the lives of a society of animals living on the Manor Farm. Although the title of the book suggests the book is merely about animals, the story is a much more in depth analysis of the workings of society in Communist Russia. The animals are used as puppets to illustrate how the communist class system operated and how Russian citizens responded to this. And also how propaganda was used by early Russian leaders such as Stalin, and the effort this type of leadership had on the behavior of the people of Russia. One thing which relates to the topic is how pigs are favored on Animal Farm. The main source for this was because their leader, Napoleon, was a pig. The pigs were subject to favoritism by Napoleon, and were subject to privileges that other animals were not given. Privileges such as sleeping in beds, wearing clothes, and drinking beer. The pigs were the only animals involved in making the vital decisions on Animal Farm. The fact emulates in a way how our government tends to operate. The Government Party members are paid an exorbitant amount of money. With this money, the members of government can purchase costly cars and houses if they wish to do so. They make all the important decisions about the country where as the tax payers rarely take say in it. Another thing that Animal Farm and modern society have in common is that the powerless people are subject to propaganda. In Animal Farm, Squealer and Napoleon used propaganda by telling the animals that Snowball was a traitor, thus convincing them that he was a criminal. They threatened that if Napoleon wasnt in leadership, Jones may come back. This happens in our society during election period. The opposing parties all warn the public of the consequences of voting the other party into power. The issue of Boxer, the horse, represents how people are used for their skills and talents. As soon as they are no longer needed, theyre disregarded. Boxer was the hardest worker on the farm, constantly chanting Napoleon is always right, and I will work harder. He contributed the most to the development of the windmill. As soon as Boxer was unable to continue working, Napoleon got rid of him. Boxers face disappeared at the window boxer was never seen again. This scene illustrates that Animal Farm is a story about human nature, as it is a human tendency to use people to achieve certain means, but disregard them as soon as they are no longer needed. Clovers feeling for Boxer also illustrates how Animal Farm is about human nature and behavior. Clovers fondness for Boxer showed when Boxer confides in clover, admitting to her how much his split hoof hurt. Clover treated Boxers troubled hoof with poultices of herbs. After Boxers hoof had healed, he worked harder than ever. Clover tried to convince Boxer he shouldnt be working so hard and should be taking better care of his health, but Boxer paid no attention. When Boxer had his fall, Clover was first to come to his aid. For the next two days, Boxer had to stay in his stall. Clover would give him his medicine and in the evenings, she laid in his stall to talk to him. When the knackers came to get Boxer, Clover did all in her power to stop them from taking Boxer away. This example of behavior indicates the human quality of love and compassion towards others.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The World Trade Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The World Trade Organization - Essay Example There were a number of complains from the developing countries concerning their obligation under the last trade round and their difficulties with WTO in regard to its bargaining structure. These countries were concerned about Uruguay Round’s single undertaking, arguing that this could have acted as wheedle of reluctant countries into the consensus (WTO NEWS, 1998). This led to a split between large developed nations particularly the U.S and Europe and the large developing nations particularly India and china (Levy, 2010). This was also noted to have influenced other 153 members of the WTO in deciding which side to favor. The greatest success of the WTO process was when there was consensus at the WTO’s ministerial conference in Singapore on labor standards. Although either side had held very strong positions, later, there was a clear and strong consensus. The members were committed to adhere to labor standards. The best of it was that it was internationally agreed and that such standards should not question the comparative advantage of countries. This is an indication that WTO has been successful in multilateral approaches in social fields. WTO can be argued to be an efficient and effective system global trade. WTO has so far been able to enhance the value and quality of trade (Hoekman, et al. 2009). This should be the primary purpose of such a body. WTO has also eradicated trade and non trade barriers, broadened the trade governance scope, among many other achievements. Therefore, although some challenges comes in the process of making international trade efficient and effective, it is evident that if member states commit themselves to harmoniously work together, WTO can be a vehicle to ride on. WTO NEWS, 1998 press releases. â€Å"The Coming Challenge: Global Sustainable Development for the 21st Century†. Retrieved on 18th July 2012 from:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cultural Competence in Social Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Cultural Competence in Social Work - Essay Example It is apparent that acquiring cultural competence causes the ability to communicate, understand, and interact effectively with individuals across cultures. Furthermore, a culturally competent person must value prevalent diversity in culture, and portray actions or attitudes that accept as well as promote different cultures. The individual should respond effectively and respectively to people of all races, sexual orientations, cultures, ethnic background, religions or faiths, and classes. Health and human services profession requires a practitioner to recognize, value, and affirm the worth of tribes, individuals, families as well as community. The practitioner also has a responsibility to preserve and protect the dignity of all people in the community. Standards for cultural competence Health and human services work has several cultural competence standards that govern the practice. The National Association of Social Worker (NASW) has stipulated several standards or norms for cultural competence. One of the standards is ethics and values that states that social work professionals should function in conformity to profession’s standards, ethics, and values. In addition, they must recognize ways in which professional and personal values may accommodate or conflict with requirements of diverse clients. Health and human services work has several cultural competence standards that govern the practice. The National Association of Social Worker (NASW) has stipulated several standards or norms for cultural competence. ... cerning traditions, history, artistic expressions, family systems, and values of individuals that they serve (National Association of Social Workers, 2001). Acquirement of cultural competence skills Cultural competency in health and human services necessitates the acquirement of cross-cultural skills. In this sense, social work professionals should be equipped with suitable approaches, techniques as well as skills that reflect an understanding of importance and influence of culture in the provision of health and human services. In service delivery, social workers should not only be skillful in and well informed about various available services, but should also be in a position to make suitable referrals for their clientele. They should identify and avoid discrimination of clients from service opportunities because of their diversity. Social work professionals should endeavor to provide services that aptly match clients’ culturally unique needs. Besides, they should promote pro cedures and policies that guarantee access to care or services, which incorporates different cultural beliefs and practices (Doman, 2010). Social workers must acquire various critical elements that enhance their ability to be more culturally competent. These elements include valuing diversity; being cognizant of various dynamics associated with interaction of cultures; having the capability to undertake cultural self-assessment; attaining profound cultural knowledge; and developing versions of service delivery revealing awareness as well as compliance with cultural diversity. Social work practitioners should be proficient in these elements and manifested them in their professional as well as social interaction. Furthermore, these elements ought to be incorporated in policies, attitudes, as
Monday, November 18, 2019
Speech class assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speech class assignment - Essay Example It delves deeper and in specific; this is as opposed to the general purpose of a given speech. Sproule (574) states that it enlivens the general purpose of the speech, where it covers aspects such as what the audience is being enlightened on. This situation is so, especially if the general theme of the speech aligns with informing the audience. It may also cover what the audience is being persuaded to do in the case the general purpose of the speech lies under the theme of persuasion. In listening to this speech, there are a numerous of points and emphases noted. Among them are the emphases of the fact that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was riding only two cars behind his boss when President J. F. Kennedy was shot. There is another emphasis, which states that barely 24 hours had passed before V.P Johnson ascended to the Presidency of the Unites States of America. The phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen’ are said in an emphasizing manner, where the lecturer introduces the issues to do with the ratification of the 25th amendment that deals with the succession of a president. Finally, there is an emphasis on the point that article 25 of the Constitution was vague thereby giving room to misinterpretations and confusions. Listening to speech four without the visual element, it is almost impossible to note the areas being emphasized by the speaker. The tone is flat without any poses and variations. As such, the speaker appears to be speaking on one subject. The tonal variation, which should come with the comparison of various aspects of the speech, remains lacking. The emphasis that should be placed on the various types of artwork, specifically the impressionistic versus the 18th-century artwork. On the mention of the example of an impressionistic painting, the speaker does not change his tone. The mention of the painter is also done in a flat tone. Finally, the changes in subjects are also done without much consideration of the tonal
Friday, November 15, 2019
Maybank BHD Financial Performance Analyis
Maybank BHD Financial Performance Analyis CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Production or gain from a financial institution is depending on some issues whether the external control or the internal control. External control refer to the environment in our country like economy growth and inflation that effect the purchasing power of customer as the price of goods increases, customer demand will increase too. The Malaysian economy actually moves together with strong financial system. Strong financial system of a country will contribute to economic growth. Economic growth of a country like Malaysia is measured in terms of real GDP. According to Travel Document Systems (1996) ,since independent on 1957 until 2005, Malaysian economy had grew by 6.5% per year automatically it become the best country in Asia at that time. Banks nowadays struggled to maintain a good performance in order to fulfill its objectives of satisfying their customers, employees, depositors and government according to Askari Commercial Bank ( 2006 ). The evolution of financial system in Malaysia has been significant. 7.2 per cent economic growth registered by the country last year was the highest achievement over 10 years and was driven by the two stimulus packages as well as the management of countrys financial and banking system by Bank Negara said the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (2011) . 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Profit is the major focus of why everybody struggles to make sure their business going well as profit is the important sources of funds. This paper will measure financial performance of Maybank Bhd and determinant of data by identifying the profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. It is important to understand the profitability of commercial bank after considering certain factors that may contribute to the profitability. The research is based on the performance of Maybank from 2001 to 2010. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT A financial institution is a profit-seeking organization owned by shareholders who expect to gain return with the risk associated that they have to face. There are many factors that contribute to bank profitability. According to Bankers Journal Malaysia, for Malaysian Banks, more than 80% of their total income is attributed to interest income. Previous studies have also found that interest income and non-interest income have a positive effect on bank profitability. However besides those banking characteristics of internal variables, there are some external variable that may affect the banks profitability performance that cannot be overemphasized like inflation and GDP. Earlier studies by Al-Hajji, Mohsen (2003) have found positive relationship between the GDP and bank profitability. When GDP increases, profitability of the bank will increase too. Adverse result was found about relationship between inflation and bank profitability. This study will answer the question of how interest income, non-interest income, GDP and inflation rate relate with bank profitability also how is well is the performance of Maybank Bhd during the period of study. RESEARCH QUESTION Dependent and independent variables are studied to find solution about the profitability performance of Maybank Berhad. Factors affecting performance of Maybank Berhad can be comprises into external and internal factors. The criteria that will be evaluated are interest income, non-interest income , interest expenses, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and inflation rate. The intent of this study is to examine the effect of all this factors towards performance of Maybank Berhad. This research problem leads to questions concerning relationship between selected criteria. In this research, there are few question were asked as listed below : 1.3.1 To what extend inflation rate effect the performance of Maybank Berhad? What are the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables ? 1.3.3 What is the factor that most effect profitability ratio of Maybank Berhad? 1.4 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY The main objective of this study is to study the factors attributes to the profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. comprises of interest income, non-interest income ,Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and inflation rate. The study also will determine the profitability performance of bank for 10 years period. Apart from that, there are few supporting objectives to support the main purpose were listed below : To study the relationship between internal variables and bank profitability. To identify whether bank cost and bank revenues will contribute to profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. To determine which factors contribute the most to profitability of Maybank Bhd. To analyze the trend of Maybank profitability over 10years and identify Maybanks strength and weaknesses using certain profitability ratios. SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY Bank profits refer to the return on invested capital and it is important to company as well as the shareholder. Bank profits can be considered as benefit to depositors as it shows stronger, safer and efficient banking system in the increases in revenues and services improvements. Indirectly borrowers also will get the benefits since the bank lending rate depends of ability of banks capital accounts. This paper will focus on some categories as follows: Facilitate researcher to find out the major factors contributing to the profitability performance of commercial banks especially Maybank Bhd. To assist the researcher to be more alert on how to manage and overcome problems that could come together with independent variables and provide guides on how to improve profitability performance. Also provide information on banks profitability strength and weaknesses that could be use by the customers as an evaluation of banks performance. The researcher may also view the performance trend of Maybank Bhd. during this 10 years from 2001 to 2010. 1.6 SCOPE OF STUDY This research paper will focus on the financial performance of Maybank Berhad based on banks profitability. The factors that will be evaluate are divided into 2 which are external factors (Gross Domestic Product, and inflation) and internal factors ( interest income, non-interest income ). 1.7 LIMITATION OF STUDY The limitations of this study is the data only for 10years starting 2001 to 2010. Furthermore the data come from secondary data and sometimes may be adequate or accurate. Besides most of the data were gathered from journals, BNM – Maybank annual reports , and articles. 1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.8.1 Profit According to Wikipedia, profit can be considered as the difference between the purchase price and the costs of bringing to market whatever it is that is accounted as an enterprise or in a simple word it means money gained in business. 1.8.2 Interest Income Companies sometimes keep their cash in short-term deposit investments such as certificates or deposit with maturities up to twelve months, savings account, and money market funds. The cash placed in these accounts earn interest for the business, which is recorded on the income statement as interest income. Interest income will fluctuate each year with the amount of cash a company keeps on hand and the general level of interest rates as set by the Federal Reserve. (Source: Joshua Kennen – Investing for beginners guide ) 1.8.3 Operating profit The profit earned from a firms normal core business operations. This value does not include any profit earned from the firms investments (such as earnings from firms in which the company has partial interest) and the effects of interest and taxes. It is also known as earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). (Source: 1.8.3 Profitability Analysis Analysis that assigns revenues and costs to major customers or groups of customers rather than to organizational units, products, or other objects. The results may direct organizational resources toward more profitable uses. It is an application of segmented reporting in which a customer group is treated as a segment. It is especially helpful when combined with an activity-based costing approach that determines which activities are performed for each group and assigns costs based on appropriate drivers. (Source : 1.8.4 Inflation Inflation is An increase in the amount of currency in circulation, resulting in a relatively sharp and sudden fall in its value and rise in prices: it may be caused by an increase in the volume of paper money issued or of gold mined, or a relative increase in expenditures as when the supply of goods fails to meet the demand. (Source : Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary) 1.8.5 Financial Ratios Ratios that measure a firms ability to meet its short-term financial obligations on time, such as the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. (Source : The Free Dictionary by Farlex ) 1.8.6 Gross Domestic Product Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It is often considered an indicator of a countrys standard of living. Gross domestic product is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics. ( Source : ). Interest Expense Interest expense is a non-operating or other expense for the cost of borrowed money or other credit. The amount of interest expense appearing on the income statement is the cost of the money that was used during the time interval shown in the heading of the income statement, not the amount of interest paid during that period of time. (Source : Accounting Couch) SUMMARY In this chapter, we have discussed about the influence of factors affecting profitability performance of Maybank Berhad and the question that need to be answered in this paper. This research examined the bank profitability which focused on both the returns on bank assets and equity, net interest rate margins and net operating margin. High performance comes from effort given by bank management to produce high profit while facing risk related. Firm need to generate income as much as possible as banking institution is a profit-orientation company. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION Bank performance depends on the profitability measurement of banks financial statement. It is recognized that the growth of the banking system is dependent on a strong and stable economic development. PREVIOUS STUDY This paper deals with performance of commercial bank, focuses on Maybank Berhad. Some of previous study that relate with this research are Masood et al. (2009) revealed that in case of calculating profitability in terms of ROE or ROA the most significant internal and external factors affecting Saudi banks are capital adequacy ratio, earning assets to deposits ratio, operational efficiency, growth rate in GDP, and banking sector development. He finds also that variables to do with credit risk, inflation rate and interbank offered rate are insignificant and have a low effect on all indicators of profitability. The results in the speech by Tan Sri Dato Ali Abu Hassan Bin Sulaiman, Governor of BNM, (23 September 1998), he stated that since the onset of the financial crisis, BNM had instituted a number of measures , amongst others included tighter loan classficication policy for non-performing loans and a limit on lending for the purchase of shares. Since then, the financial crisis advers ely affected the real economy, resulting in real GDP contracting by 4.8% during the first half of 1998. Year 1998 was a difficult year for the banking system while 1year after that was the recovery year in the performance of banking system. (BNM 1999 Annual Report Press Conference). Haslem (1968) defined profitability as the capacity to gain or profit, or to return a profit or income. Profit is the measured for productive capacity of a company. According to Orl and Yolalan(1990), profitability performance evaluation of a banks should be linked to decision model so as to associate the result obtained with the decision. Meanwhile, according to Bashir and Hassan , (2003) on their study on the factors influencing the profitability of Islamic banks in eight Middle Eastern countries for the period 1993–1998, they find that the higher leverage and large loans-to-asset ratios lead to higher profitability. This study also indicates a positive relationship between macroeconomic variables, stock market development and profitability of banks. Ben Ben Naceur and Goaied (2006) they find that macroeconomic indicators like inflation, GDP, and market concentration ratio have no impact on banks interest margin and profitability. However, financial structure variables (stock market capitalization divided by total assets or GDP) do have a positive effect on the return on assets. Staikouras and Wood (2003) said that macroeconomic indicators (variability of interest rate, growth of GDP) had a negative impact on profitability. Chance and Lane [1980], and Sweeney and Warga [1986] find little evidence that supports the interest rate sensitivity of bank or financial institutions stock returns. On the other hand, studies such as Lynge and Zumwalt [1980], Booth and Officer [19851, Scott and Peterson [1986], and more recently Chaudry and Reichert [1999] suggest that the stock returns of financial institutions are highly sensitive to changes in interest rates. Different result from Kosmidou and Pasiouras (2007) which they examine how a banks specific characteristics and the overall banking environment affect the profitability of commercial domestic and foreign banks operating in the 15 EU countries and they found that the main determinants of profitability measured by ROAA, macroeconomic conditions (inflation, growth of GDP) and financial market structure (stock market capitalization to total assets or to GDP, total assets to GDP) are statistically significant and related to both domestic and foreign banks profitability. Apart from that, Bourke (1989), Heggested (1977) using the consumer price index (CPI) as a proxy for inflation both of them made a research on relationship between profit and inflation and the result, both studies found that inflation had a significant relationship with profit. Earlier study from Revell (1980). believed that inflation could be a factor in the causation of variations in banks profitability. For studied on total expenses, items that fall within the control of bank management can be broadly divided into 3 categories: staff expenses, provision for loan losses, and other general expenses. Expenses, such as payment for income tax, are considered statutory expenses and hence beyond the control of management. Devinaga Rasiah (2010) . THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this study, 4 factors were chosen to be evaluated. They are return of unit trust fund, risk level of unit trust, diversification level and last but not least is risk-adjusted level. Below is the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. Title : Investigation of The Financial Performance of Maybank Berhad Bank interest income Bank Non-Interest Income GDP Inflation rate Bank Profitability Interest Expense DEPENDENT VARIABLE INDEPENDENT VARIABLES CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY AND DATA 3.0 INTRODUCTION This study will analyze the relationship between dependent variable (profitability of Maybank Bhd) and independent variables (interest income, non-interest income, inflation rate and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ).This study will covered 10 years data from 2001 until 2010 and will be done using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS). Furthermore, hypothesis will be tested whether it can be accepted or rejected. This will provide more understanding view among variables. The advantage of using profitability ratios is that they are inflation invariant that is they are not affected by changes in price levels. This is useful in a time series analysis such as this, where the real value of profits may be distorted by the time varying inflation rates as stated by Devinaga Rasiah (2010). 3.1 DATA COLLECTION Data was collected using annual reports of Maybank Bhd. The data collection was compiled from the financial statement also the balance sheets from Maybanks annual reports for 10 years.. All the data will be evaluate accordingly to see the relationship between the dependent and independent variables also to test the hypothesis. Besides some of the data comes from Internet website like video on news and some articles which contain information about Maybank Bhd. 3.2 SAMPLING FRAME 10 years data was chosen as to see the latest profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. 10 years data is enough to show the flow of performance of bank to see whether it has consistent performance or not and factors which relate the most to banks performance can be determine. 3.3 SOURCES OF DATA The data on Maybank Berhad financial statements and balance sheets were collected using secondary data which come from: (BNM) Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Reports (2001 until 2010). Bursa Malaysia Internet Website. Library books, articles and magazines. 3.4 VARIABLES AND MEASUREMENT The variables used in this study can be categorized into two main types which are, the dependent and the independent variables. 3.4.1 Dependent Variables The dependent variable for this study is the profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. 3.4.2 Independent Variables There are 4 independent variables in this study which are interest income, non-interest income, inflation rate and Gross Domestic Product(GDP). RESEARCH DESIGN Research design involves a series of rational decision making choices. Various issues regarding the topic will be describe here including purpose of study, types of investigation to be make, time horizon and so on. 3.5.1 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to determine the profitability performance of Maybank Bhd from 2001 to 2010. Besides, this study attempt to analyze the factors relates with the performance of Maybank Bhd. and what are the factor that has the highest impact on Maybank Bhd performance. 3.5.2 Types of Investigation This study involved the multiple regression study on the data from range of 2001 until 2010. This model was chosen because this study has more than 1 independent variable.. 3.5.3 Unit of Analysis Unit analysis for this study are interest income, non-interest income, inflation rate and GDP. 3.5.4 Time Horizon This study will use range data from 2001 until 2010 of Maybank Bhd. 3.7 DATA ANALYSIS AND TREATMENT This study use SPSS, multiple regression study as the statistical tool as to measure how all these variables will influence profitability performance of Maybank Bhd. The multiple regression study will be used to analyze the relationship between dependent variable, which is the profitability of Maybank Bhd and independent variables which includes interest income, inflation rate, GDP and non-interest income. Multiple Linear Regression Model: General Functions: P = f( Inflation rate, interest income, Non-interest income , GDP, e ) Specific Form of Equation: P = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3 X3 + b4GDP + b5INF + Where; P = profitability a = Constant b1, b2, b3, b4 = Coefficient Beta value X1 = interest income X2 = non- interest income GDP = Gross Domestic Product INF = Inflation = Error 3.8 HYPOTHESIS STATEMENT There are 5 hypotheses in this study which are: Hypothesis 1 H0: There is no significant relationship between inflation rate and bank profitability. Hypothesis 2 H0: There is no significant relationship between GDP and bank profitability. Hypothesis 3 H0: There is no significant relationship between Interest Income and bank profitability. Hypothesis 4 H0: There is significant relationship between Non-Interest Income and bank profitability. SUMMARY In this chapter, we have discussed about where the data comes from and how the data will be measures to evaluate the significances between dependent variable and the independent variables. The study is designed to examine 5main areas which are interest expense, interest income, non-interest income, inflation rate, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 10 years data from varieties of secondary sources like Bank Negara Malaysia and internet sources will be evaluated to explain the relationship between profitability performance and factors influence it. .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Philosophy of Teaching Statement :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
Philosophy of Teaching Statement I believe that the key to a good education begins with the teacher. The first impression that a teacher leaves on a student will be carried with them throughout their entire education, therefore as a teacher we should be careful with giving negative feedback. Small children take everything to heart and believe every thing they hear. It is important that we praise them often. Let every child know that they have the potential to do and be anything they want to do. Working as a substitute teacher’s aide all over the county has allowed me to observe the nature of students that come from a wide variety of backgrounds. A child that comes from a more advantaged lifestyle does not necessarily mean that, that child will excel in school. Sometimes the child that comes form the poorest conditions is the hardest worker. Children who excel in Math may find themselves bored in an English class. I have seen students that are completely lazy, that refuse to accept any challenge. On the other hand, I have observed students who just appear lazy, that are really intelligent but cannot seem to get a grasp on learning. Then again there are students who are so intelligent that they excel in everything. Some students seem to have so much rage inside of them, that it difficult for them to concentrate and learn. While others are calm, absorbing everything that is being taught. I feel that all students can learn it is just a matter of finding a way of teaching that is interesting to them but will still hold the attention of the others in the classroom. The overall purpose of education is to guide students in the direction of future leadership. To ensure that they will be able to be role models for the next generation. If a teacher shows a child that learning is fun, then hopefully these children will see the importance in learning, and maybe grow up to want to teach also. To allow students to be the best at whatever they choose to be. I feel that being able to read and write is what the world is based on. If you cannot read, you are denied the simplest pleasures in life. Like reading road signs, to gain information about the direction that you traveling or reading recipes to prepare a meal.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cutting Weight in Combat Sports
Cutting Weight in Combat Sports Indira Moores Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School Contents Cutting Weight in Combat Sports3 Cutting Weight in General3 Effects of Extreme Weight Cuts4 Effects on Growth and Development5 Proper Techniques5 Effects on Performance6 Average Cuts7 Prevention of Weight Cutting8 Conclusion8 Works Cited10 Cutting Weight in Combat Sports It is a known fact that to be a competitor at an elite level, one must work hard and make sacrifices. There are many examples of hard working athletes shown through the media.Most of these examples, however, tend to focus on a select few professional sports like hockey, football, basketball and amateur sports like figure skating and track and field. Many other sports, are sometimes recognized as being an elite level, but are not nearly as understood because they do not get the exposure from the media, that more ‘popular’ sports do. A lot of combat sports, including wrestling, fall in to this category. Wrestling gets a l imited media exposure compared to more popular sports, and as a result, is not well understood.For example, at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, Canada earned its first gold medal by wrestler Carol Hyun at weight 49 kg. Yet wrestling was generally not covered extensively over most television networks, (Yardly, 2008). Because combat sports aren’t generally media-popular sports, they are often not understood, which leads to some misconceptions. For instance, they are viewed as more violent compared to other contact sports such as hockey or football, or that it requires less training, (Bina, 2011).However, one of the biggest misconceptions, and the one I am choosing to focus on is that cutting weight, in a sport such as wrestling, is an unhealthy component of the sport with detrimental consequences. That’s not to say that there aren’t extreme examples of dangerous and reckless weight cutting with dire consequences. However weight cutting, when monitored and execut ed properly, is just another example of hard work and sacrifices that must be made within the sport. Cutting Weight in General Most combat sports are divided into weight classes. This gives athletes the advantage of competing against someone who is relatively their own size.Rather than having a 190 pound athlete compete against a 130 pound athlete. The competitors attend a weigh- in session in which the athletes are weighed and are grouped in to the listed weight class. This is where the concept of cutting weight comes in. Instead of wrestling someone your own size, why not lose weight and wrestle somebody who is smaller? This thought process has become very popular in recent years with wrestlers, especially in North America. Cutting weight is known as the process of losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time.If it is only a few pounds, losing the weight is fairly easy, but if the athlete is trying to drop multiple weight classes in a few days that is when issues arise. Unfort unately, the small amount of attention from the media that wrestling receives is mainly focused on the most extreme cases and negative cases, where athletes refuse liquids for hours, food for days and wear multiple layers of clothing to sweat out the weight. In some cases athletes are dressed in sweat suits and sit in steam rooms at ridiculously high temperatures in attempts to lose the weight.The media has brought the attention to the deaths and the injuries instead of focusing more on the good of the sport. When the process of cutting weight is only viewed in such a negative way, it’s easy to assume that it can be very detrimental to anyone’s body. Effects of Extreme Weight Cuts These extreme cases that the media has focused on are, of course, very unfortunate. These cuts have very harmful effects on the body. First of all, there is the obvious fact that the body is being dehydrated. Dehydration alone, causes the body to be tired and sleepy, causes the body to have a ard time concentrating and can be easily stressed, (Matheney, 2010). An athlete is also more prone to being injured when they are dehydrated, (Matheney, 2010). Dehydration causes the organs in the body to work harder to continue their bodily functions. Examples of this are the heart and the kidneys. The heart pumps blood all over the body after it has been oxygenized. Without the necessary amount of water in the body, the heart has to pump stronger and more often, causing it to be over worked. The kidneys filter waste products from the blood stream and without water it cannot filter properly.As a result, dehydration can cause kidney and heart failure. There are also reports of harming the liver during the process of cutting weight, (McAllister,2011). Aside from the physical effects, there are some mental effects on the body as well. Refusing foods and liquids days before a weigh in can increase an athlete’s risk of an eating disorder. Although, it is not necessarily because of the media and pressures to look a certain way, it is caused by the pressures of the team, coaches and themselves to weigh a certain weight.There is also the possibility of hormone imbalances which cause mood swings and depression in athletes, (Matheny, 2010). Effects on Growth and Development Younger, maturing athletes who cut large amounts of weight are more likely to experience hormone imbalances, which is caused by under nutrition. As a result the body’s growth hormone gets altered, which may cause permanent growth impairment if it is repeated over many seasons of wrestling, (Cochan, 2011. ) Any dietary restrictions in children who compete can also be harmful.Children, especially those who compete in intense levels of physical activity need a variety of nutrients. Since they are still growing and developing, many fats and carbohydrates are needed to keep the body fueled. If not, dietary restrictions may also reduce protein nutrition and muscular performance, (Health Can ada, 2011). Proper Techniques Although cutting weight will never be considered something extremely healthy, there are methods of cutting weight that do less harm to the body. People can cut weight properly over a long period of time through dieting and water manipulation.A simple low carb diet can help anybody two to three pounds per week. As long as the diet is still feeding the body the necessary nutrients, like water, only a small and necessary amount carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, it will still have enough energy to exercise intensely and slowly lose weight, (Landry, 2009). For example, after an intense workout or practice, eating a fruit would benefit the body. The simple sugars are carbohydrates that help replenish muscles after being worked very hard. This can be consumed instead of a calorie-high and carb-loaded protein drink.Another way losing weight that is less harmful to the body is known as water manipulation. Athletes are able to â€Å"trickâ₠¬ their body into thinking that it is consuming more water, then it actually is. For example, in the week leading up to the weigh in, for two days an athlete will drink eight litres of water. He or she will let the body adjust to this enormous amount of water being consumed. Naturally, the body will rid the excess water. After the two days, he or she will cut down to four litres, which is still a large amount.The body is still taking in more water than necessary, and is still ridding a large amount. This can help an athlete lose from 5-7 pounds in the days leading up to a weigh in. Effects on Performance After being dehydrated for an extended period of time, the body takes a prolonged time to rehydrate. According to The Wrestler Diet, by Roger Landry and others, the body intakes â€Å"only about two pints [of water] per hour, and takes up to 48 hours for the water balance tissue in your muscles to be restored,†. Different bodies, however, react differently.Athletes who have been dieting responsibly and are used to competing may be more familiar with restoring their bodies before a tournament. Ioannis Barbas did a study on twelve Greco – Roman wrestlers and how they recovered from the average weight cutting process during the tournament. Through his study he discovered a number of things like which matches in the day were the hardest for most athletes – that being the fourth match- , when the athletes found themselves most tired and so on. He did this by recording performance measurements, muscle damage assessments, and blood sampling before and after every match.He also found that these wrestlers were able to overcome weight loss routines before tournaments and preform very well and up to their usual abilities. Another factor that may affect the performances of combat sport competitors may be improper diets. Other professional and amateur sports that do not focus on weight have the advantage of consuming many high calorie and high carb f oods that would fuel the body with necessary nutrients during their competition. Meanwhile, athlete who are concerned about their weight are restricting these types of foods so he or she can make the desired weight class.In other words, these athletes are not getting proper nutrients, which may affect the athlete’s performance, (Smith). However, if the athlete loses the weight responsibly and avoids dehydration as much as possible, the recovery should be maximal. If an athlete has been dehydrated for a short period of time, and rehydrates with water and electrolytes after the weigh in the negative effects should be minimal, (Barbas, 2010). Average Cuts The average amount of weight that is cut by athletes strongly depends on the sport, and the level of competition.For example, professional UFC fighters are going to cut more than a rookie high school wrestler. Professional UFC fighters are known to cut anywhere from 20 to 45 pounds, (Wong, 2010). This is an extremely large amou nt, but most of it is done over a long period of time and carefully, considering this is what they do as a profession. High school and university level wrestlers could drop a simple five pounds to 15 pounds over time, (McAllister, 2011). Prevention of Weight Cutting With the number of deaths and injuries that have occurred from athletes cutting weight, there had to be changes made.The consequences of cutting weight are very extreme, yet many athletes continue to do so in a very reckless way. In the United States, collegiate wrestling competitions have changed the weigh in date from the evening before the competition, to the day of the competition. This helps reduce the chance of athletes cutting weight by giving them less time to recover after dehydration and starvation. The less time to recover, the less likely the athlete will perform well, and therefore an athlete is less likely to cut. The NCAA has also recently taken many steps to reduce the chances of athletes cutting weight.T hey have banned competitors of practicing in a room that is hotter than 80 degrees Fahrenheit, self – induced vomiting, and extensive fluid and/or food restrictions, (Loma, 2010). Another common restriction that has been made is the banning of sauna suits. This is a decent compromise to athletes because the act of weight cutting can still be done, but in a much less dangerous way. Sauna suits are very dangerous and can easily overheat an athlete. Conclusion Cutting weight is an unhealthy part of combat sports. Nonetheless, it is a part of the sport.Unfortunately, the small amount of attention the media gives to these combat sports, such as wrestling, tend to be more negative and focused on extreme cases of athletes cutting large amounts of weight. As a result of the lack of attention, the sports are not thoroughly understood, particularly the concept of cutting weight. Cutting weight does have detrimental effects on the body, especially young, growing children. But if it is e xecuted properly, then the negative effects are negligible. If athletes do monitor their weight cutting process over time and very carefully, they will be able to compete near their fullest potential.If cutting weight, and other misconceptions about combat sports had more exposure, it would be understood that cutting weight is just another part of the sport that demonstrates hard work and extreme sacrifices. Works Cited Barbas, I. , (Nov 27th, 2010). , Physiological and performance adaptations of elite Greco-Roman wrestlers during a one-day tournament. , Retrieved from http://www. fila-official. com/images/FILA/documents/stages/2010/Barbas_physiological_performance_adaptations_gr. pdf on Feb 20th, 2012. Bina, A. , (Feb 2011). , Why is College Wrestling Unpopular? Retrieve from
Friday, November 8, 2019
Rivers Character Analysis
Look again at Rivers and Sassoon’s first meeting. What do we learn about Rivers and his methods, and Sassoon’s state of mind? Right from when these two characters meet, we see their personalities and their way of thinking shine through. Sassoon is very cautious of what he says, although after getting to know Rivers a bit, expresses his more personal thoughts. Rivers immediately analyses and assesses Sassoon from the very first paragraph in their meeting. Sassoon’s â€Å"pale skin, purple shadows under the eyes show â€Å"no obvious signs of nervous disorder†in Sassoon, but this immediately shows us, the reader, how Rivers is going to conduct his first interview with. Rivers has a very friendly attitude towards Sassoon, smiling at him when he takes his first sip of tea. This is because Rivers wants Sassoon to feel relaxed and open so he will express his innermost feelings, and therefore he can pin-point Sassoon’s cause of â€Å"neurosis†. Sassoon is surprised by River’s approach and begins to see him as an individual rather than ‘the doctor’. For River’s this allows personal views into consultation and Sassoon expresses his actual â€Å"hate†of civilians when they discuss his ‘after-dream hallucinations’. The hallucinations that Sassoon has been having and the nightmares he had of war scenes, shows how he has obviously been affected by the war. However even though we see Sassoon’s effects from his time at the front line, he shows his sanity right from the start. He jokes sarcastically about what if â€Å"the lunatic†(himself) went missing. He has been put in Craiglockhart as a mentally ill patient, but this was only because his friend Graves, didn’t want to see Sassoon get killed for his declaration. The declaration â€Å"had to be done†according to Sassoon, although both him and Rivers knew fighting a one man war against how the ‘great war’ was being fort was â€Å"futile†. Both characters know Sassoon isn... Rivers Character Analysis Free Essays on Regeneration (Pat Barker) Sassoon/Rivers Character Analysis Look again at Rivers and Sassoon’s first meeting. What do we learn about Rivers and his methods, and Sassoon’s state of mind? Right from when these two characters meet, we see their personalities and their way of thinking shine through. Sassoon is very cautious of what he says, although after getting to know Rivers a bit, expresses his more personal thoughts. Rivers immediately analyses and assesses Sassoon from the very first paragraph in their meeting. Sassoon’s â€Å"pale skin, purple shadows under the eyes show â€Å"no obvious signs of nervous disorder†in Sassoon, but this immediately shows us, the reader, how Rivers is going to conduct his first interview with. Rivers has a very friendly attitude towards Sassoon, smiling at him when he takes his first sip of tea. This is because Rivers wants Sassoon to feel relaxed and open so he will express his innermost feelings, and therefore he can pin-point Sassoon’s cause of â€Å"neurosis†. Sassoon is surprised by River’s approach and begins to see him as an individual rather than ‘the doctor’. For River’s this allows personal views into consultation and Sassoon expresses his actual â€Å"hate†of civilians when they discuss his ‘after-dream hallucinations’. The hallucinations that Sassoon has been having and the nightmares he had of war scenes, shows how he has obviously been affected by the war. However even though we see Sassoon’s effects from his time at the front line, he shows his sanity right from the start. He jokes sarcastically about what if â€Å"the lunatic†(himself) went missing. He has been put in Craiglockhart as a mentally ill patient, but this was only because his friend Graves, didn’t want to see Sassoon get killed for his declaration. The declaration â€Å"had to be done†according to Sassoon, although both him and Rivers knew fighting a one man war against how the ‘great war’ was being fort was â€Å"futile†. Both characters know Sassoon isn...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Plate Tectonics essays
Plate Tectonics essays Prior to World War II, humans were conformed with the idea that the Earth and its continents had been basically unchanged since the beginning of time. A German meteorologist, Alfred Wegener observed that the coastlines of the seven continents could be fitted together almost perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. If fitted together, the geological dating the land would match as well as other geological features. He believed that this was more than coincidence, which happened to be the belief at the time. By putting all the continents together, he formed a large landmass that he named Pangea. This would also explain the same fossils found on 2 continents, separated by large oceans. Although the continents fit together nicely, and it would solve many of the earth's mysteries, people still rejected the idea that the continents moved for several reasons. Ignorance and strong religious beliefs played a part in this, but it was mainly rejected because of the lack of a good explanation for t he movement of the continents. Wegener's theory for the movement of continents was called continental drift. This was not believable at the time because there was no way the continents could move through the rigid ocean floor. During WWII, people started to explore the ocean floor and discovered evidence that would prove Wegener's ideas about land movement. The most interesting feature of the ocean was the ridges running along the ocean floor. It was discovered that earthquakes were abundant along the ridges that let magma flow from them. The magma would flow out these ridges and push the Earth away from it. This sea floor spreading was how the continents had moved over millions of years. The earth's crust is in mobile sections called plates, moved by the circulation of magma in a layer of the earth called the mantle. The moving and colliding of plates form many of today's landforms such as the Himalayan Mountains. They were fo ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Media, Culture, and Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Media, Culture, and Modernity - Essay Example And, there is a proportion among filmmakers who bring these situations and incidents into a cinematic form, replicating exactly or using a fictionalized version of the real life happenings. These attempts by the filmmaker to ‘picturize’ the real life happenings, always comes loaded with fetes and critics. More than fetes, these attempts to create real life inspired works will always receive criticisms from various quarters. Some times, these criticisms will be done in an organized or in a logical way using theories formulated by great thinkers. That is, based on the set theories, film or any other work of art can be analyzed, praised and criticized. As times moves on, new theories are expounded by various thinkers relating to a specific field. As these new theories, brings in new ideas or concepts, moving away from existing theories and relating to the current times, it will have the Modernist touches. So, the term Post Modernism or Post Modern theories are applied when wide-ranging set of developments takes place in line with the changing times, in different fields initiated by various thinkers, giving rise to theories in the field of philosophy, art, literature, culture, importantly critical theory, etc. The field of critical theory is a widespread one with any human activity comin g under it. But, the main concept is, the activity will be viewed from a critical angle most of the times. Among the many human activities and the existing theories related to it, theories particular to â€Å"half of humans†has evolved and is evolving even now. â€Å"Half of humans†are the female component of the population and theories specific to them have evolved in earlier times, and are forming or modifying now also with the modernist perspective. So, according to the current times, theories relating to females or feminist theories have formed imbuing the current or advanced concepts. Thus, feminist theories have also attained the modernist touch
Friday, November 1, 2019
Interview with entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview with entrepreneur - Essay Example The reason why these individuals will propose to be their own bosses is because of the various merits that are associated with entrepreneurship. Some of the benefits are becoming their own bosses as well as the ability to enjoy freedom on the areas of businesses (Erik, 2011). The creativity and innovative nature of an individual molds the entrepreneurship skills in them. Since the 1700s many creative and innovative young professionals have become entrepreneurs and the driving force behind their entry into entrepreneurship world are the various benefits that are associated with entrepreneurship (Erik, 2011). Good practice of entrepreneurship requires application of qualities like dedication, flexibility, determination, and creativity. CHAPTER ONE Introduction The process of entrepreneurship starts with introduction of new things in areas where those introduced things are missing. Once the new things have been discovered these things are combined with the already existing resources (Er ik, 2011). The process of combination of these things with the already existing resources entails creativity. ... The generation of their energy takes place internally because of their focused minds and the urge to achieve success in all that they do. Possession of naivety and smartness at the same time These people tend to have high level of intelligence as well naivety in venturing into new areas (Brown, 1989). The naivety originates from divergent thinking since this thinking is associated with separation of good ideas from bad ones. Ability to combine both discipline and playfulness Creative people are always capable of combining both irresponsibility and responsibility quality and they are able to work late at night unlike uncreative individuals (Brown, 1989). Ability to navigate between imagination and fantasy Creative people always have a sense of reality and this reality emerges from imagination that these people obtain from art and science. Possessions of introversion and extraversion These possessions are able to differentiate the personality traits in individuals and measurement of th ese differences is possible. Studies have shown that these qualities can be both found in creative people. Stephen Murtagh seems to have much of the above qualities and this is because through his efforts AW Bell Machinery manufacturing firm was able to emerge as a medium company for the year (Casey, 2013). The company was not able to export its products in previous years and through his effort they were able to reverse this culture and the company could now export most of its products as well as to come up with innovative and creative products. CHAPTER TWO-Literature review According to Teresa Amabile (1988), some of the factors that enhance individual creativity are self motivation, cognitive
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